Smart women have more problems with sex

Headline: Smart women have more problems with sex.

A recent study conducted by German scientists has attracted the attention of many women. The study showed that women with higher education and successful careers often face problems in their personal lives, especially in the sexual sphere. According to a survey of more than 2,000 women aged 18 to 49 years, 62% of women with higher education admitted that they often do not experience complete satisfaction in sex and remain dissatisfied with the night spent with a man.

It would seem, why can’t women with higher education and better jobs enjoy intimate life in the same way as their less educated sisters? The answer is simple: thoughts are occupied with other things. Successful women are constantly busy with work, study and various activities, which sometimes makes their sex life less satisfying.

Of course, this does not mean that all women with higher education experience problems in the sexual sphere. However, the survey found that women with lower levels of education and intelligence are less likely to have problems with orgasm - only 38% of women surveyed said they experienced similar problems.

Thus, the choice remains for every woman. You can continue to develop professionally and try to achieve success in your career, but this can lead to problems in your personal life. On the other hand, you don’t have to worry too much about professional success and devote more time to your personal life, including your sexual life.

In any case, it is important to remember that sex life is an important part of our lives, which should bring pleasure and joy, regardless of the level of education and intelligence. After all, healthy relationships are one of the keys to a happy life!