Shock! Obese men are victims of their own jealousy

Scientists have concluded that jealousy causes a strong blow to the body. Jealous people suffer from headaches and stomach pains. Most people who are jealous suffer from insomnia and anxiety attacks. On the stress scale, jealousy equals a stunning, heart-stopping shock. Obese men have no idea that they are victims of their own jealousy.

According to a study published in the journal Neuropsychobiology, there are five types of jealousy: depressive, paranoid, manic, fear of divorce and hypertrophied.

It turns out that jealousy does not leave its mark on the human body. Jealous people suffer from severe abdominal pain, mild headaches, and intestinal problems. To this unpleasant set are added anxiety attacks and clouding of reason. People subject to strong attacks of jealousy lose their heads and are capable of committing murder.

According to a study published in the journal Neuropsychobiology, there are five types of jealousy: depressive, paranoid, manic, fear of divorce and hypertrophied.

When jealousy becomes a pathology, it acquires a biochemical basis, which became the subject of study at the University of Pisa. “When an obsessive state arises, associated with the fear of being deceived, there is a drop in the level of serotonin, the neurotransmitter of feelings of happiness,” says study author neuropsychiatrist Donatella Marazzi.

Doctors say that on the scale of male stress, a strong outbreak of jealousy, for example in the case of a wife's betrayal, is classified as the most severe blow. It is similar in strength to stress - adrenaline and the hormone vasopressin are released into the blood, which increases blood flow to the muscles at the moment of jealousy; both men and women often experience a feeling of constriction in the chest, a “fading heart” and even a feeling of complete “stunning”.

Besides, you cannot run away from jealousy. Shock sets in, and the body is forced to intervene - the anti-shock mechanism is activated, and a different combination of hormones is brought into play. As a result of such an overlay, the immune system suffers greatly, and a number of diseases, such as eczema, can even begin.

Men who are gaining weight by leaps and bounds do not even suspect that they have become victims of stress due to jealousy, because a prolonged feeling of anxiety affects the activity of the brain center that regulates appetite.

Often, jealousy is a reflection of the issue of internal balance and the manner in which a person reacts to external stimuli. Professor Simonelli states: “There are easily manageable situations. For example, a couple in which one of the partners is too nice. If the other partner is fairly balanced, then he will not experience any discomfort. In stressful situations, he will tend to dramatize the situation and worry about behavior partner."

The problem is that the one who provokes jealousy very often feels mild gratitude for such a reaction from his partner. Interestingly, jealous people themselves cheat very often. Psychologists call this behavior "projective jealousy." Its essence is that a jealous person does not want to see shortcomings in himself and notices them only in others.

Simply put, the jealousy of a beautiful and kind scoundrel. “This is how Don Juans behave, who measure themselves by themselves and are afraid of betrayal, because they themselves cheat,” emphasizes psychotherapist specializing in marriage issues, Gianna Schelotto.

At the same time, there is nothing wrong with slight jealousy. But if you cross the limit, the situation gets out of control. A jealous person becomes a victim of strong, destructive emotions, and it’s time for him to see a psychotherapist.

When asked where jealousy comes from, scientists answer: out of fear of losing a loved one. Jealousy is different from envy, which arises from the desire to acquire some characteristic characteristic of her or him, which, in our opinion, attracts the attention of another person.