How to avoid getting sick in the summer?

Summer is a time for relaxation, travel and pleasant memories. However, on the way to these joys, troubles may arise, such as a cold, which can ruin your mood for several weeks. To avoid this, you need to know some simple safety rules.

The most common precursor to summer colds is improper use of air conditioning. When it’s hot, we turn it on at maximum power and forget to close the windows and doors, which leads to drafts. Also, you should not allow a large difference in air temperature indoors and outdoors, so you should make sure that it does not exceed 5° C.

Another reason for summer colds is the wrong outfit. To avoid this, you should adhere to the principle of layering, that is, wear several layers of clothing so that you can regulate your body temperature depending on environmental conditions.

You should also take into account weather conditions and meteorologist forecasts. If it's cool and windy outside, it's better to wear an extra layer of clothing and have a spare umbrella and a long-sleeve sweater at work. This will help you avoid trouble and stay healthy.

Another cause of summer colds can be drinking cold drinks and ice cream in the heat. Cold drinks can cause hypothermia in the throat, so it is better to quench your thirst with hot green tea or drinks at room temperature. As for ice cream, you can eat it, but in small pieces, completely dissolving them in your mouth.

Finally, it is very important to be careful when swimming in rivers and lakes. Before diving into the water, you need to check its temperature by putting your hand in it. If the skin stops tingling from the cold after a few minutes, then you can swim, otherwise it is better to postpone it until better times.

To summarize, we can say that summer colds can be avoided if you follow simple safety rules. Don't forget about air conditioning and drafts, weather surprises, a summer wardrobe, drinking cold drinks and ice cream, and be careful when swimming in bodies of water. A little common sense and care can help you stay healthy and enjoy summer to the fullest.