Love for jeans and hoodies called depression

Scientists from the University of Hertfordshire, in the UK, have determined that baggy dresses, hoodies, blue jeans, and oversized items are worn by people who don’t care about their appearance or worrying thoughts: they are depressed.

Experts conducted a survey, the results of which concluded that only a third of people in a good mood could afford to wear blue jeans, a shapeless tunic, a sweater, or a dress, while the rest put on them in an extremely depressed state.

Psychologists have repeatedly noted that there is a close relationship between the style, color of things, psychological state and mood. For example, a happy person chooses bright colors of clothing, beautiful accessories, and expensive things. But a depressed person doesn’t care what he’s wearing, and even if this is not the case, then most often he chooses stylish clothes in dark colors.