10 fitness exercises from Instagram

Being in shape is fashionable today, and sharing your achievements is also nice. After a little digging on Instagram, I've selected ten exercises that you can use to create your first training program. Let's get started!

Squats from Irinashfit

This exercise does not require any special equipment. You can do it anywhere you have a bench or chair. Stand one step away from the bench so that during the squat the angle at the knee is straight. As soon as you touch it, immediately rise up, using the force of your buttocks. When you straighten up, squeeze it tightly. The free leg does not have to be kept straight. Do three sets of 20 reps on each leg.

Leg swings by jenselter

The owner of the most beautiful butt on Instagram, Jen Selter, loves swinging her legs. And all because they improve the contours of the gluteal muscles and give them a beautiful, sculpted shape. The exercise is performed from a standing position. You need to stand up straight (you can hold on to a chair or wall) and swing one leg back, or you can also swing forward or to the side. It is recommended to start with 15-20 swings. Then change legs.

Ball push-ups

For this exercise you will need a sports ball and a support. This could be a bench, bed, chair, etc. This type of push-ups requires more serious preparation. Stand with your feet on a hill and place your palms on the ball. Standing on straight arms, lower yourself to the level of the ball, hold for a second and squeeze your body into straight arms. Complete the planned number of repetitions.

Press and ball

Abs exercise. Place your feet on the ball, and then, moving your arms, straighten your body, thus taking the starting position. While in the starting position, focus on extending your body into one straight line from your ankles to your head. Tightening your abdominal muscles, bend your torso and pull your knees toward your chest. After a short pause, return to the starting position. Common mistakes: sagging in the lower back, rolling the ball using the legs rather than the press, protruding the pelvis upward. Watch your technology!

Dumbbell push-ups

How to work your abs, entire back, arms and shoulders in one exercise? Try this exercise. The advantage of it is that it can be done anywhere: at home, on vacation. Equipment - dumbbells, any heavy object or a 1.5-liter bottle of water/sand. Technique: stand in plank pose with your hands resting on a chair/stepper/bench. Don't sag in your back; your abs are tense. You should form a straight line. Now from this position, perform a dumbbell row to the belt (an option is to move your straight arm to the side). Do it until it burns, and then five more times. This is an endurance exercise that will ultimately give your body beautiful definition. How to make it more difficult: lower the level of the support, use a fitball for support with your hand or a medicine ball/bosu for support with your legs.

Legs work

Exercises for the back of the leg - hamstrings. Can be done both in the gym and at home. Preferably 3-4 sets of 20 times. If it's easy, place a pancake on your thighs. Do a bridge on one leg with support on a medicine ball. You need to lean on the ball with your entire foot, your abs tense, your lower back not bending. Next, roll the ball. The abs are still tense, the back does not bend. This is not a glute bridge, but a roll-up - feel the biceps. The third option is a gluteal bridge on one leg between two benches. It requires good preparation, but the results are amazing.

Lunges on a treadmill

For this exercise you need a treadmill, speed 4-4.3 km/h, incline 12. First, walk on it with lunges (1 minute), and then just walk uphill for a minute. You can start simply with wide steps with a hint of a lunge, gradually sitting down deeper. You can set your own intervals. Hold on to the handles, the knee does not go beyond the toe, all the work is from the buttocks. Those who have bad knees - be careful!

Back exercise

For this exercise you will need a bosu - a projectile that represents