Lavender and raisins for your health

Every woman's handbag has a place for a small first aid kit. Medicines can be in separate pockets or packed in a cosmetic bag. Depending on age, main occupation and even hobbies, medications can be very different. Between the ages of 18 and 23, a rummage in your purse will reveal painkillers and birth control pills; between the ages of 25 and 35 you will find digestive aids and antacids, such as chewable Maalox. In autumn and winter, cough sweets with eucalyptus, menthol and fashionable echinacea are added. When you are over 35 years old, you can find something similar to Validol, blood pressure pills and “something for nerves” in your bag. Gradually, the first aid kit swells, and suddenly you find in your bag a couple of antibiotic tablets, once obtained according to a prescription, an unknown lonely yellow tablet. And some other pills that didn’t look like anything familiar.

Someone periodically clears their bag of medicinal waste, someone carries it all with them, and sometimes drinks it themselves or offers it to a friend with the words: “I think it’s for the headache, try it, one pill won’t do anything.” In addition, in such a second-hand medicine cabinet, you can find an expired drug. And how many of us look at expiration dates embossed on shiny packaging in millimeter-high numbers?

Let's figure out the medicinal chaos together and put everything in its place, neatly. The need to carry painkillers with you is most often associated with the crazy rhythm of the city, frequent headaches from straining at the computer, and aching pain in the temples from fatigue. Stop! There are a million more reasons that can be found. But it would be good to understand that this is not a reason, but a reason. There is most often one reason. The stress level is too high, and our head signals this to us with pain. You can't cure stress with pain pills. Migraines won't go away with painkillers. But as an emergency drug, you can try taking a pill. Only then open the window and ventilate the room, do not take another smoke break, do not drink strong black tea or coffee, try to avoid long telephone conversations and visits to the boss’s office.

What to drink for your headache? You need to remove analgin from your bag, this drug has a strong effect on the blood, and the whole world is gradually abandoning it due to the fact that there may be more harm than good. Modern painkillers are most often made using paracetamol. So you can accept them. You cannot repeat taking such medications in less than six hours.

Now let's collect the first aid kit. First, put in bags of green tea, then bags of chamomile or lavender tea. This is what we'll drink at work. Carefully place a warm woolen scarf, as soon as your head hurts, tie it around your neck and after 15 minutes you will feel relief. In a small bag - raisins. Very good for headaches. Place a small bottle of lavender-scented perfume in your bag. And rub your temples with them when your head hurts.

Be sure to include vitamins. They must be of high quality and consist of many components, i.e. be a multivitamin. Pick up a special complex for women at the pharmacy that will help restore health to your nails and hair.

Another rule, drink water. Bottled, still. The first glass is in the morning on an empty stomach, and in the first half of the day you need to drink a liter of water (that’s 4 large cups). In the evening, lie in a bath with plum or cherry scented water or foam for relaxation. And there will be more space in your bag and fewer pills.