Nutrometer for skin folds - what is it?

We continue to answer curious questions from our readers. And today the floor is given to the honored trainer of Russia in fitness and bodybuilding, multiple winner of various competitions, Valery Stepanovich Kirsanov...


How many kilograms can I confidently lose if I regularly engage in bodybuilding or fitness? And what is a Nutrometer for skin folds?


I've been doing this and studying this for decades, and I'm confident that most people are able to lose 12kg in 12 weeks if that's their goal. But if you lose more than 1 kg of weight in a week, you may also lose muscle mass, which is not entirely bad. Remember, if you lose muscle mass, your metabolism will slow down significantly and weight loss may gradually stop.

And while it's rare for anyone to lose more than 20 pounds of weight (note I didn't say body fat) in 12 weeks without losing muscle mass. Still, there is nothing unrealistic about this: some people's bodies are so out of order - they retain so much water in themselves that as soon as they begin physical training on this program, their body changes dramatically.

Remember that what we are trying to achieve is a reduction in body fat, not just weight. And there is a huge difference between both. Your body weight is made up of your total body mass (muscle tissue, water, bones, internal organs), and body fat is... well, it's fat.

By the way, for a more effective fight against subcutaneous folds, I recommend supplementing your diet with a high-quality fat burner and an excellent vitamin complex Universal Daily Formula (100 tablets), which contains everything you need to change your body for the better...

Measure your body fat level with a caliper every four weeks and take a photo (in your swimsuit or swimsuit). This will help you control the process of changing your body.

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