Five women's health myths

Many girls, in pursuit of an ideal appearance, often believe common misconceptions about how to achieve slimness, health and beauty. Let's debunk five of the most persistent myths.

Myth 1. You can’t eat after 6 pm, otherwise you’ll gain weight.

In fact, diet depends on lifestyle. Long breaks between meals slow down your metabolism and promote fat storage. It is better to exclude high-calorie foods from your diet and eat a light dinner 2 hours before bedtime.

Myth 2. Washing your hair every day is harmful.

On the contrary, it is harmful to walk around with dirty hair. Modern gentle shampoos are suitable for daily use. The main thing is to supplement them with masks and balms.

Myth 3. Virgins should not use tampons.

This is wrong. Even young girls can use small tampons, such as o.b. ProComfort Mini. The main thing is to follow the rules of hygiene.

Myth 4. Constantly wearing nail polish harms your nails.

Provided you use a base and gentle nail polish removers, high-quality varnishes will not harm your nails.

Myth 5. Girls with problem skin need to sunbathe more often.

Although tanning masks imperfections, it can increase inflammation. It is better to consult a dermatologist for help.

Thus, many common myths about beauty and health turn out to be misconceptions. To achieve harmony, you need to trust the advice of experts, not fashion trends.