Body workout after gardening

After tiring gardening, where we spend a lot of time bent over, lifting and moving heavy pots and tools, our muscles and joints can feel tired and tense. To avoid discomfort and prevent possible injuries, it is important to do a light warm-up for the body.

Before starting your warm-up, you should take a few deep breaths to relax and concentrate on the exercises. To begin, clench and unclench your fingers several times, shake your hands, and then form your hands into fists and twist your hands in different directions. This will help relieve tension in your hands and prevent fatigue.

Then sit on a chair or on the floor, stretch one leg forward and bring the other closer to your body. Switch legs and repeat the exercise several times. This exercise will help relieve tension in the lower back and prevent numbness in your legs.

Don't forget about exercises for your feet too. Lift your right foot and tuck and straighten your toes several times, twist your foot in different directions, then shake your leg a little. Switch legs and repeat the exercise with the other foot. This exercise will help relieve tension in your legs and prevent swelling.

In addition to these simple exercises, you can also include muscle and joint stretching in your warm-up. For example, try sitting on the floor and try to touch your palms to the floor without bending your knees. This exercise will help stretch the muscles of your back and hips.

But don't forget that you should consult your doctor before starting any exercise, especially if you have any chronic illnesses or injuries. It is also important to monitor how you feel during exercise and not overdo it so as not to harm your health.

Thus, a light warm-up after working in the garden will help relieve tension from tired muscles and joints, prevent possible injuries and avoid sore throat. Warm-up can be done in any convenient place, even during breaks between gardening. The main thing is not to forget about taking care of your health and well-being.