Video lesson: fitness with your child at home

Fitness with your child at home: video lesson

For many new moms, taking care of your baby becomes a top priority, and physical activity often takes a backseat. But this does not mean that you need to give up a healthy lifestyle and getting in shape after childbirth. Instead, you can use fitness video tutorials that will allow you to exercise with your child at home.

One such video is a combination of exercise and play with your baby. This master class shows six basic exercises that will help you not only get into shape, but also spend time with your child.

Before starting your workout, don't forget to warm up. To do this, you can jump, spreading your arms and legs to the sides, run in place, get into a half-squat and then rise on your toes, and then lower on your heels.

Exercise No. 1: "Swing". Stand in a half-squat, take your baby in your arms and rise with him on outstretched legs, then return to the starting position and repeat the exercise.

Exercise No. 2: “Snatch”. Place your baby in your arms, stand up straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart. Raise your baby to chest level, then lower him down.

Exercise No. 3: “Squats with a baby.” Place your baby on your shoulders and do squats.

Exercise No. 4: “Leg raises.” Lie on your back, stretch your arms behind your head, lift your legs up, slightly bending your knees. The baby stands in your palms, after which you raise your arms so that the baby can grab your feet. In this position, you begin to lift and lower the child.

Exercise No. 5: “Scissors.” Lie on your back, bend your knees. The baby grabs your calves, you begin to raise your legs, holding him by the shoulders.

Exercise No. 6: “Horses.” Take the baby in your arms, begin to rise on your toes and lower on your heels, slightly bending your knees.

All exercises can be repeated 10-15 times, increasing the number of repetitions as strength and endurance increase.

Thus, fitness with your child at home will not only help you get in shape, but also spend time with your baby. Try this willow video tutorial and you will definitely appreciate its effectiveness and convenience. It is important to remember that any physical activity should be safe and not cause discomfort. If you have any health problems, you should consult your doctor before starting exercise. Also remember to monitor your breathing and drink enough water during your workout. Fitness with your child can be a wonderful opportunity to not only stay healthy, but also strengthen your bond with your baby.