Ten tips on how to learn to drink more water

Drinking water is healthy - this is already an axiom. But how can you train yourself to drink water? We offer a number of useful and pleasant tips for saturating your body with water.

  1. Learn to drink a glass of water between activities: in the morning, when leaving the house, before going to bed.

  2. Make yourself an indulgence in the form of convenience: always carry a small bottle of water with you.

  3. Place a glass of water on your desk and just take sips every now and then.

  4. To make the water tastier and the process more interesting, add a couple of drops of lime, lemon or orange to the liquid.

  5. Cool the water to ice cubes. You can freeze cubes with mint leaves inside and then eat them like candy.

  6. Dilute all drinks with ice cubes or just water.

  7. When going to work, take a two-liter bottle of water with you. Try to empty it before returning home. Finish your drink on the way home from work.

  8. Accustom yourself to rituals: drink a glass of water after visiting the toilet, before and after meals.

  9. If you are watching your weight, learn to drink warm water, and drink liquid in proportion to the fats you eat. More fat - more water.

  10. Set a reminder on your phone: drink a glass of water every hour.