Losing weight with jumping: training program

The desire to lose weight and have a slim figure is the dream of many people. However, effective weight loss is impossible without a set of physical exercises. In this article we propose to consider training using jumping. This kind of “air” fitness will bring both pleasure and results.

Jumping workouts help strengthen the muscles of the legs, buttocks, abdominals and back, as well as improve blood circulation and endurance. Jumping is suitable for any level of training, because... exercises can be modified by increasing or decreasing the intensity.

In this article we offer a set of exercises that can be performed in the morning or evening, before bed. It is recommended to perform the exercises one at a time without taking breaks. You can take 1-2 minutes to rest at the end of the cycle. Repeat the complex 1-2 times.

  1. Making a wasp waist using twists
    Lie on the floor, bend your knees and place your hands on the back of your head. Do a crunch by lifting your upper body and bringing your right elbow toward your left knee. Then return to the starting position and do the same for the left side. Repeat 20 times.

  2. Squat-jump
    While standing straight, squat down so that your thighs are parallel to the floor. Then, pushing off the floor with your feet and straightening your hips, jump. Land on your feet without bending your hips. Do it 20 times.

  3. Jumping on two legs
    Without lifting your toes too much from the floor, jump on two legs. It is advisable to keep your knees slightly bent and your hands on your waist. Perform for 1 minute.

  4. Jumping in Plank pose
    Standing on straight arms and holding your palms under your shoulders, jump with your legs spread out to the sides as much as possible. With a jump you need to “throw” your legs to the center. Do 20 jumps.

  5. Jumping on one leg
    Alternately do 20 jumps on each leg.

  6. Leg kick jumps
    While jumping up on your right leg, you simultaneously need to bend your left leg at the knee and bring it to your stomach. Do 20 jumps on each leg.

  7. Plank jumps with scissors
    In the Straight Arm Plank position, push your right foot off the floor. Then, while jumping, pull your knee toward your chest and jump to switch legs. It is important not to lift your palms from the floor and not to round your back. Do 20 jumps.

  8. "Shaking"
    The exercise consists of standing straight and making small strikes with your heels on the floor. In this way, vibration passes throughout the body. It is advisable to relax all the muscles of the body. Perform for one minute.

After completing all the exercises, it is recommended to stretch the muscles of the legs and back and relax on the floor for 2-5 minutes.

In conclusion, I would like to note that training with jumping can be an effective and fun way to achieve a slim figure and improve health. Start small, increasing the load as you gain endurance. Be regular and enjoy the results!