Stretching exercises at home

Every woman wants to have a slim and graceful body. If slimness can be achieved by properly adjusting your diet, then stretching, or stretching, will help make your body more graceful. I WANT offers a set of exercises that can be used as a basis for stretching.

With every passing year, our body loses its flexibility. However, no one wants to ossify! The feeling of youth and control of your body will help bring back stretching. Stretching is a set of exercises designed to keep your muscles elastic and your joints flexible and mobile.

Stretching has many advantages:

  1. by stretching the muscles, more blood flows to them, they relax and become more elastic;

  2. joints acquire greater mobility, resulting in increased flexibility;

  3. this is the best prevention against salt deposits;

  4. concentrated deep breathing has a beneficial effect on the brain, especially after a hard day;

  5. the opportunity to study at home independently, at a time convenient for everyone.

It is better to perform stretching exercises in the morning. Calm exercises are very good for those who are not in the mood for intense exercise immediately after waking up.

Do the exercises smoothly, at a calm pace. Focus on your own sensations: lingering at the bottom point for 10-15 seconds, you should feel moderate muscle tension, but not cutting pain. Before exercise, warm up your muscles: do squats and leg swings, rotate your feet and hips. This will help prevent stretching when moving suddenly.

Lesson plan

Exercise 3-4 times a week, every other day. On other days, work out in the gym or attend group aerobic training. If this isn't enough exercise for you, jump rope for 10 minutes after your workout or run on the treadmill for 15 minutes. The total training time should be at least 45 minutes.

Set of exercises


The muscles of the inner thighs are stretched. Sit on the floor with your legs straight and your back straight. Stretch to your toes and lower your body as close to the floor as possible. Hold this pose for 10–15 seconds. Take your starting position. Perform 3 repetitions.

Double crunches

The oblique abdominal muscles, leg and thigh muscles are stretched. Sit on the floor, spread your legs wide. Bend your left knee and bring your foot toward your inner right thigh. Place your right hand on your left knee, bend your left arm at the elbow, and place your palm on your ear. Lean to the right. Hold this pose for 10–15 seconds. Take your starting position. Perform 2 repetitions, switch sides.

Longitudinal half twine

The muscles of the back and inner thighs are stretched. Sit on the floor, spread your legs as wide as possible, place your hands on the floor, and place your hands in line with your shoulders. Lean forward and try to place your forearms on the floor (if it’s difficult for you, just lean forward. Try not to arch your lower back, keep your balance). Hold this pose for 10–15 seconds. Take your starting position. Perform 2 repetitions.

The next two exercises are best performed in one group - one after the other. They work better together than separately.

Lunges with Arm Stretch

The muscles of the shoulders and hips are stretched. Stand up straight, clasp your hands behind your back, keep your shoulders straight, and your abs tense. Lunge forward with your left leg and lower yourself as low as possible to the floor. Hold this pose for 10–15 seconds. Take your starting position. Perform 2 reps, then switch sides.

Lunges with knee support

The muscles of the thighs and calves are stretched. Perform the previous exercise on the right side. Next, place your left knee on the floor and with your left hand pull the foot of your left leg up, straighten your right arm up. Stay in this pose for 10