I'm all tired of winter... Increasing vitality

I'm all tired of winter... Increasing vitality

The last month of winter is the shortest, but it seems to drag on forever. I have no strength, my mood, why lie, is bad, and my health is clearly not at its best. With such a bouquet of sensations, is this really life? Late winter fatigue accumulates for many reasons.

What contributes to this? Yes, literally everything. It’s better to say: what doesn’t contribute to this! Consumption of natural vitamins “from the garden” is a long way off in early autumn. And no matter how much you take multivitamins, the level of energy that natural vitamins support cannot be restored with artificial ones.

Not enough sun? Certainly. What about fresh air? It’s also not too much, where does it come from, we are increasingly sitting within 4 walls. And there are so many reasons for pessimism around. The winter colors of the world are dull and gloomy. Especially for the winters of our latitudes. The birds are not singing, nature is all quiet, sleeping - and we, together with it, have fallen into “hibernation”.

What do we have every day? Work, home, work, home - and so on in a circle. Vacation was so long ago, as if in a past life. And the viruses fought in the winter, forcing us to get sick. In general, from all sides our vitality was lowered and lowered, so that it has now fallen below nowhere. It's time to raise!

I'll start with the first priority, the one that acts instantly. We wake up in the morning and the first thing we consciously think is: “I am a beauty! God, how irresistible I am!” And to make sure of this, we run to the mirror, look at ourselves and smile. But not in an idiotic way, without understanding the great power of the moment, but with understanding, we smile charmingly, joyfully accepting any of our morning reflections.

When smiling, the thymus gland is stimulated, which, firstly, contributes to the production of the “happiness hormone”, secondly, it increases the vitality of the body, and thirdly, it immediately brings a pleasant feeling of pleasure.

Remember the famous Ilfo-Petrovsky phrase “Breathe deeply, you are excited!” Proper breathing brings the body into a state of harmony. We do five-minute breathing sessions throughout the day, especially when it seems that the knot of problems is tightening. We breathe evenly, calmly, deeply - and watch how with each correct breath we gain calm, peace and complete bliss.

We make it a rule to start our mornings with a glass of fruit juice! Don’t listen to arguments like “How many vitamins are there in these juices!” As many as there are, they will all be yours. Drink, enjoy life and be filled with their life-giving energy.

We include ginseng and mint in the diet. Ginseng has strong stimulating properties, has a beneficial effect on mood, causes a feeling of cheerfulness, and improves immunity. Mint drives out pessimistic thoughts and does not allow us to wear ourselves out from the inside with these thoughts.

We sleep 7 hours every night. The best time is from midnight to 7 am. When there is no strength, sleep adds strength. And the increased strength will increase your daily productivity.

We have sex regularly. I don’t know if arguments are needed for this?

We start running in the morning and take a contrast shower after running. Or we run around at home listening to our favorite music. It will be just an energy bomb in the morning. We also swim in the pool once or twice a week.

Every day we eat 20 g of dark dark chocolate. The best breakfasts during this period are oatmeal and muesli. We switch from multivitamins to vitamin C - 1 g 2-3 times a day. For those who do not have allergies - pollen and royal jelly. We drink 8 glasses of pure still water during the day.

We include oriental rituals in our day: morning shiatsu warm-up, “100 steps along the river” and “Blooming lotus flower”.

We are looking for a favorite hobby that will create an alternative to work-home and disrupt the usual way of life.

We make it our life credo to always think positively. Are you in trouble? Great