Rules of intimate hygiene in the heat

Summer brings joy not only to people, but also to bacteria and microbes. Everywhere is warm, humid and nutritious. Yes, and disinfection is not so strict. To avoid thrush and other intimate troubles, special attention should be paid to cleanliness during the hot season.

Regardless of whether you are at home or traveling, follow the rules of summer intimate hygiene strictly.

General recommendations

In summer it is better not to skimp on pads. It is advisable to use not only sanitary bags during menstrual periods, but also daily thin pads. They need to be changed more often than in the cold season. Daily pads are changed at least once every 4 hours, and “critical” pads - once every 2 hours. It is better to choose breathable pads. Avoid those with an inner layer that looks like oilcloth.

Since in summer the skin becomes more sensitive and prone to various types of irritation, during this period of the year it is better to use special products for intimate hygiene, not ordinary soap. It is advisable to wash yourself as often as possible. And do this simply with water at body temperature. Detergents are used no more than twice a day - morning and evening. Chlorine activates thrush, so be sure to shower and wash your clothes thoroughly after visiting a pool or water park.

At the first symptoms of discomfort (itching, discomfort during sex or urination), consult a doctor. Only in this case can the development of the disease be quickly prevented. If you hope that everything will go away on its own and delay a visit to the doctor, you can lose the whole summer, spending it on treatment.

The main summer rule is the ban on wearing thongs. If you cannot refuse beautiful synthetic underwear, do not at least wear this narrow strip, which injures the perineum and facilitates the penetration of various infections. Ideally, wear synthetics only when absolutely necessary, giving preference to natural cotton underwear. At night, it’s better to let your skin breathe, so it’s better to sleep in a nightie, rather than in pajamas and without underwear.

Beach rules

Previously, in order to catch a sexually transmitted infection, you had to recklessly have unprotected sex with an unfamiliar partner. Now all you have to do is sit down in a wet swimsuit on the side of the pool. Alas, in recent years our immunity has weakened considerably, and the number of sexually transmitted diseases has increased significantly. Fungal infections are especially aggressive. And although the traditional way of transmitting them remains the same, many additional dangers have appeared. Beaches have become one of the risk areas.

If you find yourself in a fun company on the beach, try not to share dishes, towels and bedding. This will partially protect you from the possibility of contracting hepatitis. Do not sit anywhere while you are in a wet swimsuit. At a minimum, use your own towel for this. In changing cabins, do not hang laundry on the hooks provided for this purpose. Pre-fold it in a bag. Remember that in a humid environment, bacteria and pathogens can remain active for a long time. When you return home, be sure to take a shower and wash your swimsuits.

If you go to a seaside resort, try not to use the outdoor pool, no matter how attractive it looks. Firstly, there is nothing useful in the chemicals used to disinfect water; there is no need to allow it to come into contact with your delicate skin. And, secondly, remember why you got so far from home? Isn't it just to splash around in healthy sea or ocean water? So don’t be lazy to walk the extra 50 meters from your room. And, by the way, beach rules should also be observed abroad. If you pick up towels from hotel pick-up points located right on the beach, make sure they are perfectly dry. Use the beach shower only with shoes on, or even better, take a shower