What is a health school on hypertension?

A healthy lifestyle has recently become very popular and has actually turned into a mass movement of global importance. Communities and social movements focused on healthy lifestyle and exercise therapy are opening up everywhere:

  1. cycling clubs,
  2. tourist communities,
  3. hardening schools,
  4. health schools,
  5. and other associations.

Moreover, for example, health schools can be both general health and some narrowly focused. For example, the Health School for Arterial Hypertension is a public organization of people suffering from hypertension. Our story will be about one of these schools...

The head of one of these schools, Honored Trainer of Russia Yu.Z. Poreiko:

The beneficial factors of nature are successfully combined with physical exercise. This is confirmed by many years of experience in our health school on arterial hypertension. Workers and students, schoolchildren and retirees enjoy studying there. Everyone became stronger physically, many were cured of serious illnesses.

It was noted that in those susceptible to hypertension, blood pressure decreased and heart function normalized. The students had improved dynamometry of the hands, spirometry of the lungs, increased flexibility of the spine and mobility of the joints. The incidence of diseases decreased by 8-10 times, and labor productivity increased by 3-4%.

This is what regular “students” of our health school say:
B. Larionov, Candidate of Technical Sciences:

Our family has always loved physical education. We were fond of hiking. The hardening school introduced us to regular and rather intense training. If before we covered 200 m with great shortness of breath, now at each training session we run 3-3.5 km at a high pace easily and naturally, with a pleasant feeling of exertion.

We continue to improve in tourism. Now that the children have grown up and we ourselves have become stronger, we are drawn to long and difficult hikes. We traveled along Karelia and the partisan paths of the Crimea.

After the holidays, we wait for the new school year and rush to our home school. In addition to physical activity, we also get a number of positive emotions there. Each group is a micro-collective, communication in it is a psychological relief.

M. Zolotnitskaya, public trainer:

I came to the hardening school 14 years ago. I was surprised that they accepted me without exams. The doctor checked my health, but it wasn’t there... How hard the “easy” running was for me, I had difficulty staying on the water. But I firmly decided: I will not leave school, where they will teach me how to be healthy and hardened.

Only in the second year did I feel that my health had improved. Running has become really easy for me. I learned to breathe properly and swim well.

I forgot the clinic, but before school I was considered a chronically ill person: gastritis, colitis, dystrophy (weight 56 ​​kg with height 168 cm). Lack of appetite, loss of strength, severe headaches constantly haunted me. And now I have completely forgotten about them, which I sincerely wish for all of you!

Well, as we see, the reviews are very positive. So, our dear readers who want to join a healthy lifestyle and exercise therapy, join such public associations and become one step closer to well-being, health and longevity!

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