Work helps relieve pain

Work helps relieve pain: scientific evidence

Pain is one of the most unpleasant sensations a person can experience. It can occur for various reasons and have different intensity, but in any case it interferes with normal life activities. However, German scientists from the Hamburg University Medical Center found that work can help cope with pain.

A study conducted by scientists showed that when a person is busy with work or other exciting activities, he is less aware of pain. This is due to the fact that during entrainment, the spinal cord is not as active in transmitting pain signals to the brain. Thus, by distracting oneself from pain and immersing oneself in work, a person reduces its strength.

The study was conducted on a group of 20 men. Light burns were made on their hands with hot objects and they were asked to solve two problems - a difficult one and an easy one. When solving a difficult problem, men experienced less pain and sometimes did not even notice it, but an easy task made it difficult to concentrate on mathematics and made them think about a slight tingling sensation in the arms.

These results confirm observations that people have been making for many years. Many have noticed that headaches, menstrual pain or toothache are less noticeable and noticeable if you are involved in a game, watching a movie, discussion and work, and idleness makes you suffer from pain many times more.

However, it should be noted that distracting yourself from pain with work is not always a healthy solution. If the cause of the pain is serious, such as due to an injury or illness, then distracting yourself from it can make the problem worse. In such cases, it is necessary to consult a doctor and receive appropriate treatment.

In conclusion, working out can really help relieve pain, but it is not always the right solution. It is best to consult a doctor and get professional help if the pain does not go away for a long time.