Fitness mistakes: how to make exercise effective?

What to do if your weight loss process has stopped, although you continue to exercise regularly? And the figure does not acquire the desired model look... It's time to correct the mistakes made.

When a person starts exercising, at first, he loses weight quite quickly. However, after some time, the process of losing weight slows down, and then may stop altogether. This is explained by the fact that first of all our body expels excess water. When it comes to adipose tissue, the fight against excess weight becomes more labor-intensive. It's time to add massages and trips to the sauna to your physical exercises. And, of course, do not forget about proper nutrition and maintaining a daily routine.

Having dealt with excess weight, do you look in the mirror and are unhappy again? The body is thin, but not at all as beautiful as that of the young ladies from the pages of fashion magazines. To correct this, it is not enough to carefully copy the instructor’s movements. A standard fitness program is most often made up of a mix of exercises for different parts of the body. That is, this is just a general strengthening exercise that has minimal relevance to figure correction. Switch to targeted work: devote each session to a specific muscle group (one for the abs, another for posture and the shoulder girdle, and so on). Exercise at least three times a week, devoting at least an hour of time to fitness each time. Gradually add loads and, most importantly, perform all exercises without breaks. Instead of resting, switch to lighter loads.