Fitness for weight loss

Our dear readers, “fitness for weight loss” - that’s what we called our new section, in which various materials will be collected and accumulated regarding the issues of weight loss, diets, losing excess weight, proper nutrition, etc.... Here you will learn a lot of new useful information on these topical issues for many of you topics...

  1. Daily exercises for weight loss.
  2. Nutrition during exercise in the gym for women for weight loss.
  3. We eradicate subcutaneous fat - drying for the endomorph.
  4. Add jumping rope to your workout for weight loss.
  5. Ginger is a weight loss fighter.
  6. Fat and cholesterol levels in the blood
  7. Fat Burning
  8. Morning exercises for weight loss will help you lose the “excess”!
  9. What to do if you have excess fat?
  10. Aerobic training for weight loss is your key to success!

Daily exercises for weight loss.

If you need to lose excess weight, then it is wiser to do this through sports. No dubious diets or fasting will give long-term and final results. Don’t forget that what comes easily is, alas, short-lived. But daily exercises for weight loss will teach your body to burn extra calories and always be in shape. This is a difficult process that requires time and patience. But he is 100% faithful and win-win.

If you want to get yourself in order, choose any type of fitness to suit your taste. This could be bodybuilding with its squats, barbell and dumbbell presses, or it could be a treadmill or an exercise bike. That's not the point. The main thing is how and how much to exercise. In this article we will dot all the “e”s...

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Nutrition during exercise in the gym for women for weight loss.

Exercise machines are a good tool for losing weight. In order to achieve the desired goal, nutritionists recommend following the following rules:

  1. stick to fractional meals, that is, eat food 5-6 times a day. Alternate full meals with snacks;
  2. pay attention to the number of calories;
  3. do not increase the amount of food at night; have dinner 4 hours before bedtime.

We eradicate subcutaneous fat - drying for the endomorph.

And here’s another instructive story for you from my rich practice... One amateur guy once trained with me... His name was Kirill. He weighed as much as 110 kilograms, and had an impressive height - about 2 meters. In short, a typical hypersthenic endomorph - Shaquille O'Neal is resting. He worked out very hard and aggressively in our gym. I have always worked with sub-maximum weights as a powerlifter. Well, and, accordingly, I ate a lot. As a result: this athlete had quite a lot of strength, decent, voluminous muscles. But he had relief - none at all. Kirill was completely covered in fat - a classic problem for any endomorph. Moreover, this was noticeable not only in the torso area. Even banally, a lot of unnecessary things accumulated on his hands...

Well, what to do in such a situation? Every self-respecting bodybuilder knows the answer. Of course, it needs to dry. Moreover, as Comrade Lenin used to say, in his case: “Dry! Dry! And dry again!” Kirill, heeding the general advice of the regulars of our gym, began a decisive and unconditional drying process...

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Add jumping rope to your workout for weight loss.

Modern society has clearly defined canons of beauty and attractiveness for both men and women. And in any case, a mandatory component is a slim and toned body that does not have excess subcutaneous fat. Millions of people around the world strive for a similar result, sacrificing a significant amount of their own time and effort.

To achieve such a desired goal, you often have to go for a very long time. Of course, everything directly depends on your initial physical data - if you only have a couple of extra pounds, losing them, of course, is much easier and faster than getting rid of a couple of dozen. However, in any case, the essence and principle of the classes will be approximately the same.

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Ginger is a weight loss fighter.

Ginger is especially popular in the East, but is gradually gaining trust among other peoples of the world. This oriental spice comes in two types: black and white. Black ginger has a sharp and tart taste, while white ginger, due to a different processing method, leaves behind a more delicate and pleasant aftertaste. The older the ginger root, the yellower it is. This product is not often used as a spice. They are used to using it for weight loss. It can be consumed raw, as well as in ground form.

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Fat and cholesterol levels in the blood

In modern times, almost all nutrition systems for bodybuilders, and other diets, consider fat and cholesterol to be the main competitor to health.
Of course, it is worth closely monitoring the amount of fat and cholesterol consumed, but this vigilance should not develop into psychosis, when a person shakes over every yolk or glass of milk taken in excess. In addition, you cannot outright reject all diets that include a lot of fat and cholesterol. Here everything is much more complicated. We need to think about the influence of various factors.

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Fat Burning

, if it lasts longer than 10 minutes without a break, it forces the body lose fat in the name of energy. Wherein fat is burned not only in the trained part of the body. Fat cells break apart throughout the body, this is the source of generated energy. It is impossible to separately burn fat deposits in one place, in one part of the body.

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Morning exercises for weight loss will help you lose the “excess”!

Some people believe that physical exercise is harmful to a body that has not yet woken up. However, in modern conditions, any opportunity to move is very useful. Morning exercises for weight loss are also a boost of activity and energy for the whole day. It is designed to warm up the body through various exercises.

When performing morning exercises, you need to follow a number of rules:

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What to do if you have excess fat?

The main reason for starting classes bodybuilding in most cases it is a desire To gain weight. Most beginners are skinny boys and girls.

However, there are also fat people, overweight, who have a lot of excess fat, but want to exercise, change themselves and build their body. In this case, many more problems and difficulties arise. This type of athlete, like all beginners, lacks muscle mass And strengthwhich are achieved by continuous training. But besides this, fat people must also get rid of from unnecessary excess fat.

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Aerobic training for weight loss is your key to success!

Aerobic exercise is the best way to lose weight. They were specially designed for active fat burning. What is the difference between aerobic training for weight loss and strength training aimed at building strength and increasing muscle mass?

Strength training is lifting weights and all exercises with additional load that are performed in the gym. They are aimed at increasing strength and building muscle mass...

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