Bodybuilding for beginners at home.

Of course, the popularity of iron sports is steadily increasing, more and more people want to look better and exercise to achieve this goal. Starting to work out in improvised gyms of the basement, attic or garage type, some of them then go into the big sport seriously and for a long time. Here is the famous idol of modern bodybuilding Frank Zane, how did you get into big bodybuilding? – once in his youth he was given a so-called “home set for weight training” - a pair of collapsible dumbbells and a mini-barbell, that’s all. And the inimitable movie hero No. 1, the great Arnie? – the same thing, I started my training in my father’s garage and on the school playground. There are millions of such examples - everyone once started small. Maybe you should try it too...

Undoubtedly, in order to ultimately achieve an impressive result, you need to work hard in a professional gym with a lot of equipment, but bodybuilding for beginners at home also has a place to exist. As we have already emphasized above, it can become your starting point in the world of “iron sports”, or simply help improve your figure and well-being. Everything depends only on your perseverance and faith, patience and motivation... How far are you ready to go in your endeavors?

First you need to take care of the room where you want to train; it must meet the minimum requirements, that is, sufficiently spacious, well ventilated and illuminated by daylight. Then it’s a matter of equipment, which you can do with your own efforts if you wish, but you still have to purchase some things.

If you live, for example, in a village or a private house, you can make a lot yourself, for example a horizontal bar. Then look for various kinds of benches, stools, perhaps small pieces of rails lying around somewhere (you can use them as weights), wheels from a trolley, old “father’s” weights.

With all this, you can diversify your workouts, making them more convenient. This is the minimum that is needed, it is best, of course, to purchase a barbell, albeit not an Olympic one and with a bar “like a crowbar,” but it is better than nothing, as well as collapsible dumbbells.

The whole point is that using a barbell and dumbbells you can work out almost all the muscle groups of our body, and actually do without newfangled exercise equipment. As Joe Weider himself, the founder of modern bodybuilding, said in his immortal book: to work on building your own body, the minimum you need is:

  1. barbell,
  2. collapsible dumbbells,
  3. an inclined bench for the press is an analogue of the Roman chair.

Standing dumbbell press.

This is the minimum set for a beginner that you need to enter the world of bodybuilding, according to your father, its immediate founder. So, from available benches and stools you will have to make some kind of bench with a variable backrest slope.

If you have all this, half the battle is done! Then everything will depend only on your efforts and diligence, well, on time, of course, it will depend...

It's best to start with basic exercises such as squats, presses, and deadlifts. For all this you will need a barbell; you can also do various presses with it: standing, sitting, rows to the chin, to the waist, pumping up the biceps, triceps, calf muscles and much more.

Standing dumbbell press.

Of course, bodybuilding for beginners at home involves using dumbbells in your workouts, which “load” individual muscles well; they can be used to do isolated exercises. It is best to use them after basic exercises, so to speak, for finishing.

Having decided to exercise, a beginner must remember that training is only part of working on oneself - after all, it is necessary to take into account aspects of nutrition, recovery, short-term and long-term planning, self-control and other difficult nuances of bodybuilding. Our website will kindly provide you with all the necessary information in these areas. Read us regularly - because we will have all the answers to even your most corrosive questions...

Even if training at home is just the initial stage of serious bodybuilding training, however, without going through it, you will not be able to soberly assess your potential and, accordingly, fully move on. So, go for it, and become new invincible Champions, whose names will forever be written down in the history of world bodybuilding!