Water aerobics: swimming before you are born

Probably no one needs to explain the importance of water for humans. We are constantly reminded that our body is 70% water, and that it is in water that life on earth originated. Water has long been perceived by humans as a symbol of purification. It is not for nothing that psychologists advise taking a shower every day, giving away to the flowing water all the bad things that have accumulated in it during the day - dirt, bad thoughts, negative emotions, experiences... Water can take over energy from us and share its own with us. That's why almost all of us love to swim and take a bath. All this is especially important for pregnant women - women who are preparing to give the world a new life. After all, inside the mother the child is also in an aquatic environment. That is why women are recommended to engage in water aerobics throughout pregnancy.

During pregnancy, the spine and legs suffer greatly from stress, so it is extremely important for women during this period to be able to reduce them in order to avoid injuries and hernias. In water, body weight decreases, so the moment you dive into the water, the load on your spine and legs is noticeably reduced. In addition, unlike other types of physical exercise, in water aerobics the risk of joint injuries is minimized.

Among other things, water is an excellent “massage therapist.” Thanks to hydromassage, metabolism accelerates, blood circulation improves, and helps in the fight against cellulite. It is also good for the skin and reduces the risk of stretch marks - a problem for most pregnant women. Here is an example of such a massage: clasp your palms horizontally in front of you and begin moving up and down a few centimeters from your stomach. This produces waves that massage with the required force.

Water is also good for muscle development. The load on the spine is reduced, but the water resistance, which greatly exceeds the air resistance, forces the muscles to constantly work. Swim along the pool with your legs together and imitate the movements of dolphins: this way you will greatly improve the flexibility of your spine.

Water aerobics improves the activity of the cardiovascular and circulatory systems, especially in combination with a sauna.

In addition to physical activity, water guarantees your peace of mind. In the water you can completely relax, give it all your worries and worries. Water will calm you down and give you lightness, both physical and mental. The extra weight that appears during pregnancy is not felt in the water. You may not think at all about how you look from the outside, completely abstracting from this thought and concentrating on your studies. By the way, exercise in water ensures the production of endorphins - happiness hormones, and you get a great mood for a long time.

Another benefit of water aerobics is that you can imagine the sensations experienced by the child inside you. This strengthens the bond between mother and baby and helps a woman cope with the fears that overcome her during pregnancy. As if finding herself in the place of her child, she prepares herself psychologically for the moment of childbirth much faster.

There are special exercises that will help you simulate the situation of childbirth. For example, the “Birth Canal” exercise, when a group of women stands one after another, as in the game “Tank Engine,” with their hands on the shoulders of the one in front. The legs are placed shoulder-width apart, they are the birth canal. One after another, the participants pretend to be a child, swimming through an improvised birth canal, without using their hands. The rest should help the “child” move forward with their feet. This exercise will help get rid of the fear of childbirth.

Exercise regularly for 3-4 months and you will improve your physical condition, set yourself up for a successful outcome of childbirth and get rid of all your fears associated with it.