How to protect yourself from viral hepatitis

Viral hepatitis poses a serious health threat. Although vaccines are available for some types, the best protection is prevention and good hygiene.

Hepatitis A is transmitted through dirty hands and contaminated water. To avoid infection, wash your hands thoroughly before eating, after using the toilet, and after touching potentially contaminated objects. Drink only bottled or boiled water.

Hepatitis B, C and D are transmitted through blood and body fluids. Avoid unprotected sexual intercourse and using other people's razors and manicure tools. Ensure the sterility of medical instruments.

Get vaccinated against hepatitis B if you are at risk of infection. It will also protect against hepatitis D.

Those who have had hepatitis are advised to adhere to a diet and avoid overeating and alcohol. Get checked regularly to prevent complications from developing.

By observing personal hygiene and caution, you can significantly reduce the risk of contracting dangerous viral hepatitis.