Four myths about fitness training

Before you start getting serious about fitness, familiarize yourself with the list of existing myths about training and try not to repeat the mistakes that are ingrained in the minds of many.

Myth No1

The weaker you are physically, the more time you need to devote to exercise in order for positive results to be noticeable.

In fact, it is much easier for a beginner with poor physical training to achieve positive results than for someone who has been practicing for years. After all, experts have repeatedly noted that the first extra pounds are lost easily, but muscles that have already been developed and toned require more and more load, and the last extra pounds also go away slowly.

Myth No2

If you are incredibly tired after class, it means that the training was beneficial to you and all the exercises were performed correctly.

It is not always so. Fatigue is more likely a sign that you just ran long and hard or carried iron. But the advantage of proper training is considered to be bursts of strength and energy. The most beneficial thing is to leave the gym feeling like you could have trained more.

Myth No3

If the training plans outlined by the trainer helped my friend, then they will suit me too!

This principle, as a rule, never works. If the exercises recommended by the trainer helped your friend get rid of extra pounds, this does not mean that they will suit your body, and in two months you will become an inch. Each person is individual and that is why, before you go to the gym, get permission from your therapist, and then start consulting with a nutritionist and fitness instructor.

Myth No4

A personal trainer is too expensive and is only needed for the first day of training. And then you can practice, remembering the main exercises recommended by him. If anything, you can also read specialized literature, a lot of useful things are written there too.

In fact, one lesson with a trainer is not enough: at least 3-4 are needed. He must develop an individual training program for you, work through all the exercises, make sure that you are performing them correctly, and only then let you “go free.” Otherwise, you will exercise either to the detriment of your health, or without visible results.