How to remove fat deposits in the lower abdomen?

There are only a few days left until summer, which means you need to actively prepare your body for the beach season. In order to wear low-slung swim trunks without embarrassment, you need to first work on your abs. In our material you will find a set of exercises that will remove fat deposits in the lower abdomen.

Warm-up: Before starting the exercises, do a short warm-up lasting 5-7 minutes. Bend forward 20 times, as if your body was “folded” at an angle of 90 degrees. Make 20 circular movements with your hips, while drawing in your stomach.

Vertical scissors

Lie on your back, press your palms tightly to the surface, as if you are leaning against it. Raise your legs up at an angle of 90 degrees and begin to lower and raise your legs in turn. Do 20 times on each leg. After class, stand up and do 10 jumping jacks on both legs.


Lie on the floor with your stomach down and prop yourself up on your hands and toes as if you were preparing to do push-ups. Bend your right leg at the knee and quickly pull it up to chest level. And just as quickly return your leg to the starting position. Then change legs and repeat 20 times on each side. Important: when performing exercises, the lower back should not bend.


Sit on the floor, keep your back straight, legs extended. Place your hands behind your back without bending your elbows. With vigorous movements, raise your knees to chest level, then stretch your legs back without lowering them completely to the floor. During the exercise, the movements occur simultaneously: tilt your upper body slightly towards your legs, and your knees towards your chest. Repeat the movement 20 times, stand up and do 10 jumps.

Raising legs from a sitting position

Sit on a chair, grab the edge of the seat with your hands, keep your back straight, and your stomach pulled in. Bend your knees and lift them to chest level and lower them to the floor. Repeat 20 times, then stand up and do 10 jumping jacks.