Fitness lesson: flat stomach in 10 minutes

From our master class you will learn how to remove your belly and make it beautiful and sculpted in just 10 minutes. Commit to exercising four days a week to see results.

Exercise No1. Kneel down and lunge with your right leg. Hold your hands above your head and begin to stretch forward and stay in this position for 5-7 seconds. Return to your previous position and lower your arms. Repeat 5 times, then change legs.

Exercise No2. Lie on your stomach, rest your toes on the floor, bend your arms at the elbows. Slowly raise your upper body, stay in this position for 3-5 seconds, then lower yourself to the floor. Repeat 10 times.

Exercise No3. Lie on the floor, bend your right leg under you so that the inside of the foot is adjacent to your stomach. Begin to stretch slightly to the left and right sides. Repeat five times on each side, then change legs.

Exercise No4. Lie on your stomach, lift your toes off the floor, and rest your elbows on the floor. Hold this position for 10 seconds. Now roll over to your right side, leaning on your elbows and keeping your legs together. Hold for 10 seconds, then roll over to your left side and repeat the same. Repeat 2 times.

Exercise No5. Lie on your back, keep your hands on the back of your head, lift your right leg up. Extend your arm and begin to reach for the toes of your raised foot. Repeat 2 times, then change legs.