Elegant women's hands

If you think that athletic, muscular arms on a girl are not at all feminine... Like, these all sorts of biceps and triceps are just beautiful on men, and all that... Then you are very mistaken. A sociological survey we conducted among the male half of the population of our country showed that guys like athletic girls, of course, not bodybuilders, but athletic ones, with a harmonious, well-balanced figure. And for this, naturally, you also need to pay attention to your hands. This section will tell you how to strengthen elegant women’s arms without turning them into bodybuilder ones...

How to pump up a girl's arms?

In this matter, the training strategy is completely determined by personal beauty guidelines. For an athlete who competes in body fitness competitions, the principles of training will be the same as for men - in terms of muscles, our anatomy is identical. But most women still strive for the silhouette of a chiseled figurine with light muscle contours. So we will have to consider both cases.

To begin with, we will present an indicative training complex with an emphasis on the hands. It is suitable for both men and girls who are not afraid of the prospect of “pumping up the top.” You may be surprised by the large number of exercises in it where the arms are not involved in any way - hyperextension, for example. There are two reasons for this.

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Exercises for saggy arms that you can do at home.

Among the reasons for sagging are sudden weight loss, age-related changes, and lack of protein in the diet. But most often, sagging skin is associated with normal muscle atrophy.

If the biceps is still somehow involved in everyday life (when lifting something), then special measures are needed to strengthen the muscles of the forearm and triceps.

Exercises for sagging arms can be isolating and basic. The simplest of the basic ones are push-ups. Since everyone is familiar with them since school, let us recall only the important nuances:

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