12 ways to combat bags under the eyes

Bags under the eyes are a problem that worries many people. It can appear for various reasons, such as fatigue, overwork, lack of sleep, heredity, allergies, stress and other factors. In this article, we will look at 12 ways to deal with bags under the eyes that will help you get rid of this problem.

  1. Sage decoction

Pour 1 teaspoon of sage leaves into 100 ml of boiling water, leave covered for 20-30 minutes and strain. Then cool half of the sage infusion and heat the other half. Place a piece of cotton wool in a cold and hot broth and alternately apply them to the eyes (each for 10 minutes). Perform the procedure every other day before going to bed. After this, you need to lubricate the skin under your eyes well with eyelid cream at night. After a month, as a rule, there is a significant improvement.

  1. Potato

2 tablespoons of raw grated potatoes are applied to a gauze napkin, which is placed on the “bags” and held for 10-15 minutes. After removing the mask, apply eye cream to the skin, barely touching it, in the direction from the temples along the lower eyelid to the inner edge of the eye. After 10-15 minutes, use a cotton swab moistened with cold tea to remove traces of the cream and mask with light pressure in the indicated direction.

  1. Mashed potatoes

Cut the cooled potatoes boiled in their jackets in half and apply the halves to your eyes for 30-40 minutes.

  1. Mask made from potatoes, flour and milk

A mask made from a mixture of raw grated potatoes mixed with 2 teaspoons of flour and 2 teaspoons of raw milk is useful for the eyelids.

  1. Parsley and sour cream mask

A teaspoon of finely chopped parsley is mixed with 2 teaspoons of sour cream and applied to the eyelids for 10-15 minutes, covering the top with a damp swab.

  1. Tea bags

Pour boiling water over disposable tea bags, cool in the freezer, then apply to your eyes for 10 minutes.

  1. Lotions made from tea, boric acid and chamomile

Often, with bags under the eyes, redness and irritation are observed on the eyelids. In this case, you can use lotions made from tea, warm 1-2 percent boric acid or chamomile infusion (hold for 3-5 minutes).

  1. Cooling

Applying a cold compress to the eyes helps reduce swelling and improve blood circulation. You can use special gel eye masks stored in the refrigerator or just regular ice wrapped in gauze or a towel.

  1. Massage

Gently massaging the eyelids helps improve blood circulation and reduce swelling. You can use your fingertips to massage from the outer edge of the eye to the inner one.

  1. Hydration

Dry skin around the eyes can aggravate the problem of bags. Keeping your skin hydrated will help it look healthier and reduce puffiness. You can use special eye creams or natural oils such as rosehip oil or coconut oil.

  1. Proper nutrition and sleep

A healthy lifestyle is one of the most important factors to combat bags under the eyes. You need to get enough sleep, eat right, drink enough water and avoid smoking and drinking alcohol.

  1. Consultation with a doctor

If your bags under your eyes don't go away after trying home remedies, you may need to see a doctor. He may prescribe treatment if the cause is an allergy, infection, or other medical problem.