Favorite fitness exercises of model Irina Shayk

Irina Shayk: Favorite fitness exercises of the model

Irina Shayk is a Russian top model who is known not only for her beauty, but also for her slim, fit figure. Many women dream of such a body, and many are interested in how Irina maintains her shape. In this article we will talk about the model's favorite fitness exercises that help her always stay in shape.

Sports are an integral part of Irina Shayk’s life. She regularly exercises, which helps her stay fit and maintain muscle tone. Her trainer is Justin Gelband, who is responsible for the model's physical fitness.

Irina's daily fitness routine begins with a 15-minute warm-up run. This is followed by various types of cardio workouts that include race walking, bending, Pilates and light ankle exercises, beach ball exercises, and boxing when you need to relieve stress.

Irina Shayk does not limit herself in food, but at the same time monitors her diet and eats healthy food. Her trainer takes into account her blood type, lifestyle and eating habits to create a personalized training program.

All the exercises that Irina performs are aimed at maintaining muscle tone, and not at shaping their relief. She prefers exercises that do not put stress on the joints and spine, but still work the muscles effectively. In addition, Irina often does Pilates, which helps strengthen her core muscles and improve flexibility.

If Irina does not have time for a full workout, she pumps up her abs at home or in a hotel room. This simple exercise helps strengthen your abdominal muscles and maintain tone.

In conclusion, we can say that Irina Shayk is a shining example of the fact that exercise and proper nutrition help you stay fit and feel great. Her favorite fitness routines show that you don't have to hit the gym to stay in shape. The main thing is regularity and moderation in exercise.