Lunar health calendar for May 2013

Lunar health calendar for May 2013: balance your body and soul

Good health is the foundation of a happy life, and in order to enjoy this gift every day, you need to follow some rules. The lunar health calendar for May 2013 will help you balance physical and emotional stress, optimize nutrition and lifestyle, so that you always feel great.

May 1 - light physical activity is recommended, for example, a leisurely walk in nature. Try to eat more fresh, seasonal vegetables to provide your body with essential vitamins and minerals.

May 2 - take care of your strength, do not strain your musculoskeletal system. Relax, drink herbal tea and enjoy the tranquility.

May 3 - exclude meat and heavy foods from your diet, give preference to vegetables and fruits. Various wellness treatments, such as massage or yoga, will have a beneficial effect.

May 4 - resting near a body of water, visiting a bathhouse or sauna, or a contrast shower will have a beneficial effect. These treatments will help you relax and relieve stress.

May 5 - observe moderation in food, refrain from fried foods and drinking alcohol. Try to eat easily digestible foods, such as vegetable salads and porridge.

May 6 - a little physical activity is recommended, but you should be extremely careful, as there is a danger of injury. It is advisable to refrain from eating meat so as not to overload your body.

May 7 - meditation, yoga, breathing practices will have a beneficial effect. Avoid drinking alcohol to keep your mind clear and calm.

May 8 - give up heavy food, if possible, have a fasting day. The eyes are especially vulnerable today, so do not overstrain them with prolonged work at the computer, watching TV or reading.

May 9 - regularity and calm are the key to feeling great today. Try to spend more time alone with yourself; a short and calm walk in nature will have a healing effect.

May 10 - it is recommended to devote more time to rest, listen to relaxing music, drink herbal tea. It is not advisable to exercise or overexert your muscles.

May 11 - Eat more green vegetables and fresh fruits to enrich your body with nutrients. It is recommended to do yoga or other stretches to stretch your muscles and relieve tension.

May 12 - Avoid overeating and eating heavy foods. A visit to the sauna or thermal springs will have a beneficial effect to relax and cleanse the body.

May 13 - It is recommended to engage in moderate physical activity, such as yoga or walking in the fresh air. Avoid overwork and stress.

May 14 - Pay more attention to your breathing and spend a few minutes in meditation or other breathing practices. Try to avoid nervous and emotional overload.

May 15 - Avoid eating fried and fatty foods, give preference to light dishes such as vegetable soups and salads. It is recommended to spend time in nature to enjoy fresh air and recharge your energy.

May 16 - today it is recommended to rest and relax, devote time to reading a book or watching your favorite movie. Avoid exercise and overeating.

May 17 - Eat more vegetables and fruits in your diet and avoid eating meat. It is recommended to spend time outdoors and engage in light physical activity.

May 18 - Today it is recommended to rest and relax, devote time to meditation or other practices to improve mental health. Avoid stressful situations and nervous tension.

May 19 - It is recommended to eat more protein foods such as fish, eggs and dairy products. Avoid eating heavy foods and strive for moderation in your eating.

May 20 - Doing yoga or other stretches will help you relieve tension and improve muscle condition. It is recommended to eat more vegetables and fruits in your diet.

May 21 - Avoid eating fried and fatty foods, give preference to light dishes such as vegetable soups and salads. It is recommended to spend time in nature to enjoy fresh air and recharge your energy.

May 22 - today it is recommended to engage in moderate physical activity, for example,