What types of dancing will help you lose weight?

Dancing is a great opportunity to lose weight and at the same time give your body definition and flexibility. Let's consider what types of dances are best to do in order to lose weight, as well as the basic rules of training and a special diet for maximum effect.

Dancing for weight loss

Oriental dancing or belly dancing

Plasticity is produced, the abdominal muscles are strengthened and extra centimeters are removed from the waist, beautiful hips are formed, metabolism is normalized and the pelvic area and female organs are healed. This type of dance is one of the sexiest, and also helps to prolong a woman’s youth and attractiveness.

Strip dance

Develops flexibility and plasticity, makes the body lines expressive, burns calories and strengthens all muscle groups. As a bonus: strip dancing helps you develop your sexuality and gain self-confidence.


This rhythmic type of dance will get rid of excess fat in the arms, neck, and upper body, strengthen the thighs and calf muscles, and give beautiful shape to the legs. With the help of flamenco classes you can become more graceful and elegant.

Hip-hop, breakdancing and R'n'B

One of the most energy-intensive types of dance, thanks to which fat is burned quickly and effectively, good physical shape, endurance, flexibility and athleticism are formed.

Irish dances

Fast movements help burn a fairly large number of calories. Due to the fact that all types of muscles in the legs are involved, it is an ideal option for those who want to lose weight in this area and get rid of cellulite.

Latin American dances (salsa, cha-cha-cha, mamba, bachata, rumba, jive)

They burn a large amount of fat, strengthen the muscles of the legs and buttocks, form a beautiful body, and improve heart rhythms.

Ballroom dancing

Less active dance, therefore suitable for those with health problems. Ballroom dancing will help you gain beautiful legs, a waist, improve your posture and develop a graceful gait.


Effectively fights excess fat deposits and sagging skin, and also develops hearing and a sense of rhythm. Well strengthens the muscles of the legs and buttocks.

Recommendations during dance classes:

  1. Exercise at least 1.5 hours three times a week.

  2. If possible, dance in the morning or afternoon.

  3. Eat healthy.

  4. Do not eat 1.5 hours before and after training.

  5. Drink plenty of water, including before, during and after exercise.

  6. Dance in special comfortable shoes and clothes.

  7. Avoid dancing during menstruation, illness, headache or fever.

  8. Consult with experts which type of dance is best to choose if you have flat feet, gastritis, cholecystitis, spinal problems, severe hypertension, varicose veins, breathing or heart problems, and also if you are expecting a child.

Diet for losing weight while dancing

In order to lose weight you need to dance a lot, and this requires strength. You shouldn’t deny yourself food, you just need to choose healthy foods rich in healthy proteins and carbohydrates.

Day 1

Breakfast: green tea, buckwheat or brown rice

Lunch: any food, but the portion should be half the usual size.

Afternoon snack: fruits or vegetables.

Dinner: a glass of kefir or one apple.

Day 2

Breakfast: oatmeal, water, green tea.

Lunch: light broth or vegetable soup.

Afternoon snack: whole grain bread with low-fat cheese.

Dinner: vegetable salad.

Day 3

Breakfast: a glass of milk and a couple of slices of low-calorie cheese.

Lunch: boiled meat or fish

Dinner: cottage cheese with fruit or honey.

Snacks: if you feel hungry, you can eat an apple, whole grain bread, some nuts or pumpkin seeds.
