Body ballet for weight loss: a beautiful way to lose weight

Do you want to lose weight and at the same time develop your grace and plasticity? Then body ballet for losing weight and developing plasticity will become your faithful assistant. This type of fitness combines elements of classical choreography, yoga and Pilates. In this article we will talk about all the intricacies of body ballet for weight loss.

What types of dancing will help you lose weight?

Before you start body ballet classes, you should understand that not all types of dances contribute to weight loss. A workout for weight loss should include a warm-up, aerobic exercise, strength training and stretching. Also remember that there are classes where the entire program is designed only for stretching, which is good for recovering from injuries and illnesses, as well as correcting your shape, but is absolutely useless for losing weight. Therefore, when choosing a training program, be careful.

Body ballet for weight loss: subtleties

Body ballet was created in 2005 by American choreographer Lee Sarago. The main goal of this area of ​​fitness is weight loss and the formation of point relief and posture. If you want to have an athletic figure, body ballet is not for you. But for lovers of fragile figures - just right.

Body ballet promotes weight loss by accelerating the heart to 120-130 beats per second, which is exactly what is needed for weight loss. Make sure that the session lasts at least an hour - with such a duration, the body will have time to start the fat burning process. The number of workouts per week should be at least three.

Also, as trainers say, to succeed in weight loss you need to enjoy the exercise. If you come to a dance class and serve 60 minutes of heavy duty there, there will be no results, believe me. In this case, instead of concentrating on performing the movements, you will think about what’s delicious to eat for dinner or how your boyfriend is doing. To achieve results, thoughts during training must be focused on the training process itself, as well as on the result.

If you don’t have the opportunity to go to a fitness club, but you love ballet and want to use this type of fitness to shape your figure, you can practice at home. To do this, you need a non-carpeted floor, a mat for stretching and the desire to practice.

Choreographers say that with regular body ballet classes, the first results of weight loss can be seen within 4-6 weeks. However, to achieve the desired result, you need to constantly improve your skills and increase the intensity of your training.

One of the main features of body ballet is the development of flexibility and plasticity. This not only helps you lose weight, but also corrects your posture, improves coordination, and reduces stress. Moreover, body ballet classes help improve blood circulation, strengthen muscles and ligaments, and improve mood.

One of the basic principles of body ballet is proper breathing. This helps reduce the risk of injury, as well as improve metabolism and activate the fat burning process. Therefore, you should pay attention to how you breathe during exercise.

Finally, it is worth noting that body ballet is not only an effective way to lose weight, but also a wonderful way of self-expression and self-development. Practicing this type of fitness helps develop creativity, improve memory and attention, as well as increase self-esteem and self-confidence.

In conclusion, body ballet is a great way to lose weight, improve flexibility and develop grace. If you love dancing and want to use this type of fitness to correct your figure, then don’t put off your classes until later. Try body ballet today and see how effective and beautiful it is!