How to train a strong punch at home?

Boxing is considered the most effective sport, where maximum attention is paid to striking techniques with the hands.

How to train a strong punch at home?

You can train a strong punch at home using the kinetic technique of the Soviet sports school. It is characterized by the presence of the following main components:

  1. First, decide which hand you will have as the “hitting hand.” We are considering a strong blow in a left-handed stance, and all training techniques for a “left-hander” can be transferred to a right-handed stance.
  2. Second, secure an activity bag around the house.

The conditions have been created, we begin work:

Rack. The left side of the body is forward. The left shoulder protects the chin, and the forearm protects the body. The fist of the left hand is placed so that the “knuckles” of the fingers (index and middle) look to the right side in the range of 45°. The left foot is one foot in front of the right. The foot is turned slightly to the right and should be parallel to the right foot.

The right hand is pressed to the liver area, which it protects, and the fist is ready for training, you can begin practicing the technique.

How to train a strong punch at home?

Swing in the adopted stance to the right and left and back and forth. If you are comfortable, then you can start training a strong blow at home.

This movement with a straight arm is called “Cross”. Imagine that you have small pebbles clutched in your fist and the task is to quickly throw them all in one direction. Essentially, you have to “shoot” the rocks. To do this, at the same time, push from the big toe of your right foot, and it goes to your right shoulder; as you exhale, you throw your arm forward. At the same time, you turn your body as much as possible so that your right shoulder should be in front of your left.

Do all the indicated movements at the same time, then the result will be fixed and clear, and most importantly strong. Practice it at home, creating the appropriate conditions.

Having mastered all of the above, now you know exactly how to train a strong punch at home. At the same time, we didn’t need anything other than a punching bag or a punching bag. Be strong and never let yourself be offended...