How to do a cardio workout with a jump rope

Cardio training is an integral part of any training process. They are aimed at increasing endurance, burning calories and losing weight. In addition, such workouts effectively burn fat, making the body more and more attractive. However, there is not always access to special equipment to perform cardio training. In this case, a regular jump rope may be the way out.

To start training with a jump rope, you need to have the jump rope itself, some free space, a bottle of water and an open window. It is advisable to jump in sneakers or sneakers to maintain proper shock absorption of the foot. To warm up, you can perform 30 jumps at an average pace. It is important to monitor your health and use a heart rate monitor to monitor the condition of your heart muscle.

For the main part of the workout, you can use a pattern of 30 seconds of jumping at a fast pace, followed by a 30-second rest. During rest, it is necessary to maintain rhythmic walking in place. The training time is 15 minutes. It is best to perform this workout while listening to rhythmic music.

After a few weeks, this workout may seem simple, and then it can be complicated. To do this, you can increase the jumping time to 60 seconds, and reduce the rest time to 25 seconds. Don't forget to walk while resting. The rest period in this workout serves as a time to restore breathing, and not to relax.

The total training time remains the same - 15 minutes. When you want to make the training process even more difficult, you can gradually increase the training time.

It is important to remember that the maximum allowable heart rate during cardio is 220 minus age. The normal heart rate during jumping rope is 70% of the maximum permissible. If you feel unsure or don't know how to do the exercises correctly, it's best to consult a trainer or watch online videos to avoid injury and get the most out of your workout.

Thus, cardio training with a jump rope is an easy and affordable way to improve your health and fitness, burn calories and increase endurance. Try this type of workout and see how quickly your body begins to transform!