What is the best sports nutrition to buy for muscle growth?

Gaining muscle mass is a fairly long and painstaking process, the final result of which depends on many factors. Health status, genetic predisposition, diet - all this matters. Dietary supplements - multicomponent complexes designed to activate anabolic processes occurring in the body - also play a significant role in achieving the cherished goal. Like any weight gain products, they have their own specifics.

First, we hasten to focus your attention on vitamins, which, of course, are necessary for any athlete. We advise you to take a good multivitamin complex, such as: Opti Men - the entire range of essential vitamins and minerals for an athlete of any level of training.

Now let’s look at the main mass-gaining drugs from a bodybuilder’s arsenal: these are proteins, gainers and creatines...

Proteins are protein compounds with an expanded amino acid profile. They contain an average of 70 to 95% protein and are optimal for weight gain. Based on the speed of absorption, proteins are divided into fast and slow. Fast ones are broken down into amino acids within 20-60 minutes after administration (whey, egg protein). Slow - provide prolonged muscle nutrition for several hours (casein, complex protein mixtures, etc.).

All proteins, regardless of origin and rate of absorption, have low calorie content. Therefore, they are suitable for athletes of various body types. With gainers the situation is somewhat different.

Gainers They are carbohydrate-protein compounds with 20-40% protein content. Unlike protein, they are high in calories and are not suitable for athletes with a slow metabolism. Gainers should be taken at least 5-6 hours before bedtime. Otherwise, the carbohydrates they contain are deposited in subcutaneous fat.

Creatine is a protein compound responsible for the synthesis of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). By itself, this agent does not produce muscle growth, but it significantly increases endurance. In sports nutrition, creatine and protein often complement each other. So if you plan to combine these supplements, don't worry: there are no side effects.

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