Sexy belly in a short time: how to pump up your lower abs

The lower abs are one of the most problematic areas for many people, especially women. This is because nature designed this area as a place to store fat during pregnancy and childbearing. But how can you make that belly look sexy and attractive? In this article we will figure out how to pump up your lower abs and make them sculpted and attractive.

Nutrition is the key to success

It all starts with proper nutrition. If you don't watch your diet, you are unlikely to get the desired result. To start pumping up your lower abs, you must first remove subcutaneous fat. To do this, you need to completely or almost completely eliminate sweets from your diet, including buns, cakes and other confectionery products. Chocolate and ice cream can be consumed, but only in small quantities.

It is also necessary to organize your diet in such a way that it includes up to five meals a day. Portions should be small, but the food should be varied. The basis of the diet should be proteins and heavy carbohydrates, such as cereals, bread and vegetables, and fats should be in small quantities and preferably vegetable. The meat should be dietary, such as chicken, turkey and veal.

Exercises for the lower abs

The second step is the correct exercises for the lower abs. They must be regular and performed correctly. The optimal amount of abdominal training is three times a week. Exercises for the lower abs are best done at the end of a general workout, when the abdominal muscles are already well warmed up.

One of the best exercises for the abs is the bicycle. Lie on the floor, your lower back should be firmly pressed to the floor, your arms extended along your body. Raise your legs with your knees bent and begin to move your legs as if pedaling a bicycle. Do three sets of 20 reps.

Another version of the “bicycle” exercise is when you lie on the floor, your lower back is firmly pressed to the floor, your hands are clasped behind your head. Raise your legs and bend your right knee, connecting it with your raised left elbow. The left leg should remain straight. Next, switch legs. Perform two sets of 10 times on each leg.

Another exercise is “scissors”. Lie on the floor, your lower back should be firmly pressed to the floor, your arms extended along your body. Raise your legs, bending your knees at right angles, and begin to make movements as if you were cutting with scissors. Alternately lower your legs down without touching the floor and raise them again. Do three sets of 20 reps.

Another useful exercise is crunches. Lie on the floor, bend your knees and place your hands on your chest. Raise your head and shoulders off the floor and begin to twist your torso to the right, bringing your right knee toward your left elbow. Then return to the starting position and repeat the exercise to the left. Perform three sets of 15 reps.

Finally, one of the most difficult exercises for the lower abs is the “hanging leg raise on the horizontal bar.” Hang on the horizontal bar, arms should be slightly wider than shoulders, legs bent at the knees. Then slowly raise your legs until they are parallel to the floor, then slowly lower them down. Do three sets of 10 reps.

In conclusion, to tone your lower abs, you need to eat right and exercise regularly. Don't forget to also communicate with your trainer and get training recommendations from him. By following these tips, you can get sculpted and attractive lower abs.