Squats and Bases are the cure for gaining muscle mass!

Our editorial office receives emails day after day from our newbie readers with the same question: how to gain muscle mass? A typical greenhorn beginner writes: here I am swinging, swinging, swinging day and night, even going to fall off the dumbbells, but there hasn’t been any high-quality volumes... Well, we’ll tell you what you need to do...

If you are a beginner who recently came to the gym and most likely are now doing standing biceps curls (the favorite exercise of all yellow-mouthed people), know: you don’t need this standing biceps curl. What then should be done? - and you need to do squats. "How so?" – you ask, “after all, I want, first of all, strong, pumped up arms. This is exactly why I came to the gym! Are you suggesting that I pump my legs?” - exactly! As paradoxical as it may seem, this is exactly so! If you want strong arms, then pump up your legs! Squats and Bases are the cure for gaining muscle mass! And all because legs are the foundation of our body. Everything stays on your feet. There will be healthy legs, and behind them the rest of the muscles will tighten up.

After all, how does a professional athlete work for weight? – he doesn’t pump his biceps – he doesn’t need it. He makes the base! And the base, as you know, is just three exercises:

  1. Squats,
  2. Deadlift with the same apparatus,
  3. Barbell press from a lying position on a horizontal bench.

Moreover, pay attention: two of the three exercises are focused specifically on the legs - this is not without reason. Generally speaking, the emphasis in these three basic exercises is on the largest muscles in the athlete's body:

  1. Legs,
  2. back,
  3. Breast.

Well, now that you know how to gain weight, don’t forget about the second stage of bodybuilder training – cutting. After all, when high-quality and impressive volumes have been gained and the required mass has been achieved, it is necessary to move on to polishing our body, cleansing it of unnecessary subcutaneous fat. It is necessary to give relief to the muscles, clearly draw them, bringing them to perfection. All this is done at the drying stage, but this is a completely different story, which we will talk about in detail in the following articles of our bodybuilding portal, do not switch.

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