Exercises aimed at reducing or increasing body weight

Training methods that stimulate an increase in lean body mass

The problem of weight gain is extremely relevant now. In recent years, an increase in the number of adolescents with insufficient body weight has been registered, which is 39.7% among girls, and 23.2% among men.

In order to obtain a significant increase in muscle mass, complexes of local strength exercises are used for individual muscle groups, aimed at increasing strength indicators, the task of which is the development of muscle fibers (in practice, repeated repetitions of exercises with unlimited loads).

Various training methods are used to build muscle mass.

Local strength training method "body-building". Characterized by selective focus. Weights 60~75% of maximum capacity for 6-10 repetitions in 5-8 series of 4-5 exercises.

Method for developing strength endurance used to build muscle mass, to train psychomotor functions, on which the manifestation of strength in endurance mode depends. To develop strength endurance, they mainly use their own strength exercises, which perform 85-90% of the maximum possible with 2-3 approaches of 5-6 exercises.

Circuit training consists of a series of exercises (8-12), which are repeated 10-15 times. After a 2-3 minute break, the next round of exercises begins (2-3 rounds).

When building muscle mass, it should be taken into account that hypertrophy of muscle tissue is determined not only by the effects of physical exercise, but also by other reasons, especially by appropriate nutrition. With a lack of protein intake, muscle mass and strength do not increase. Underweight athletes should be advised to increase the amount of protein they eat. It won’t hurt to stock up on a good shaker and, in addition to everyday food, also actively lean on sports nutrition. Creatines, proteins and gainers will help you add weight in the shortest possible time...

Now let's look at the issue of reducing body weight...

Excess body weight usually significantly disrupts the topography of your physique, reduces the level of general strength activity, the functional state of various organs and systems, and makes it difficult to use motor abilities in a variety of movements. Being overweight increases the risk level of such insidious, complex and life-threatening diseases as:

  1. a) diabetes mellitus,
  2. b) ischemic disease,
  3. c) atherosclerosis,
  4. d) cancer and others.

Excess body weight in most cases is the result of poor nutrition and limited, irrational physical activity. All experts unequivocally state that low physical activity is more to blame for excess weight than overeating.

There are many ways to combat excess weight, but often some advice contradicts others. And this is perhaps natural. After all, each person is individual, what is useful to one is unacceptable to another. Therefore, it is necessary to select the most effective option for each individual. The second important point is that if you need to reduce body weight, then you need to approach this issue gradually, without rapid jerks and stress for your body. It is important to understand that you need a comprehensive restructuring of a huge number of mechanisms in your body - often this requires years of painstaking and hard work...

Of course, this cannot be done without a well-thought-out diet. Fortunately, there are now a countless number of them, and every day more and more appear, like mushrooms after rain. For example, the recently appeared diet based on soda, or, for example, the diet of ballerinas, and, as you know, everything is very strict with their weight. In general, your well-chosen diet and well-thought-out nutrition system is already half the battle on the way to getting rid of extra, disturbing kilograms.

Among modern innovations in the field of sports nutrition, we would like to draw your attention to the so-called weight loss peptides - in our opinion, this is a radical remedy for combating your subcutaneous fat. We recommend you try it! But let's get back to physical training...

  1. performing cyclic exercises,
  2. a combination of cyclic exercises with complexes of proper strength and strength exercises with weights.

Recently, many authors recommend using walking instead of running, but this applies to people over 30 years of age. The efficiency of walking is significantly lower than running.

We hope that our short excursion into the world of adjusting your weight: both in the direction of increasing and decreasing, was not in vain for you, and you took from everything you read at least a grain of something useful and valuable for yourself. Your ideal weight, and don’t forget to write about your impressions in the comments...

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