Lenses that restore vision have been invented

The Daily Mail recently reported on a new technology that could change ophthalmology forever. We are talking about contact lenses with stem cells that can restore vision. It is a biodegradable implant containing cells that can help the eye heal itself.

Initially, the technology was created to treat corneal injuries due to physical impact, post-operative scars, hereditary diseases, infections and dry eye syndrome. When the cornea is injured, a person may complain of pain, sensitivity to light, blurred vision, and a feeling as if something is in the eye. The implant imitates the structural features of the eye, representing a thin shell - a frame for stem cells. Now there is no need to transplant the cells themselves or use a donor cornea.

In the implant, the cells are completely safe, since the membranes consist of small “pockets” that protect the cells and hold them together. In the center the shell is thinner, which allows the cells to gradually integrate into the eye as the material decomposes. The biodegradable material is safe and has previously been used in absorbable wound sutures.

Laboratory tests have proven the effectiveness of the technique. Clinical trials are due to begin in India soon. This technology could change ophthalmology forever and help millions of people around the world suffering from vision problems.