A video has been released about the effect of the sun on the skin

The question of the effect of sunlight on human skin has long been relevant. However, many people don't pay enough attention to UV protection, which can lead to serious consequences for skin health. American conceptual inventor Thomas Leveritt decided to demonstrate the effect of the sun on human skin using a special camera to draw attention to the problem.

In the video, designed by Leveritt, volunteers pose in front of a special camera that shows how ultraviolet rays affect the skin. Participants in the video are surprised when they see all the damage and problem areas on their skin that they had not noticed before. Leveritt notes that children whose skin has not yet been exposed to enough ultraviolet radiation to age have smooth, undamaged skin.

The second part of the video shows how sunscreen protects the skin from ultraviolet rays. Volunteers apply the cream to the skin, and the camera shows how the cream completely covers the skin and turns black in the lens, just like the glasses.

The results of the video speak for themselves. The effect of sun rays on human skin can be catastrophic if you do not provide your skin with ultraviolet protection. Leveritt said he hopes the video will help people understand the importance of protecting their skin from the sun and make the right choice in favor of sunscreens with SPF.