How to pump up a girl's legs?

Almost all girls constantly worry about their appearance, always find flaws in their body, even if there are none at all, and try with all their might to correct them. One of the many important weapons women have in seducing men is women's legs.

“How to pump up your legs?” - many girls ask themselves questions. It is not so easy to train female leg muscles, compared to the abs, chest and arms, this is due to the anatomy of the female body. Even bodybuilders themselves admit this fact: male muscles are much easier to train than female ones. Some girls from an early age try to take care of their slim body, and some run to gyms or fitness centers just before their first date. How to pump up a girl’s legs, and what efforts need to be made to achieve satisfactory results, we will consider in more detail in this article.

  1. The main thing is to set yourself a goal.
  2. What exercises should you start with?
  3. Difficult exercises.
  4. About nutrition.

The main thing is to set yourself a goal.

It is necessary to start by understanding that it is impossible for a girl to build up muscles in a short time. The first visible changes will be noticeable only after 25-30 days, depending on the degree of stress.

So, having been patient and deciding, at all costs, to make your legs slim and pumped up, all that remains is to find out how you can achieve this correctly and with maximum benefit and efficiency. There are two ways to do this better:

  1. or contact an experienced trainer at a fitness center or gym who will instruct you in all your actions;
  2. exercise and strengthen your legs at home. The second option is simpler and does not depend on finances and time.

What exercises should you start with?

Having chosen the second option for yourself, you can start with a simple exercise - running. It is simple because it does not require any sports equipment. Before you start running, it is necessary to stretch the muscles of the whole body, that is, do stretching and a light warm-up. Be sure to warm up the muscles of your legs, pelvis, and arms (everything that is used for running). The first runs should be done for 10-15 minutes. A girl does not need to put a lot of stress on her body in the first days of classes, this will only lead to fatigue, because the female body is many times weaker than the male body. Gradually, every day, increasing the duration of the run, and when the running time is 25 minutes, you need to pause in the form of simple walking to “even out” your breathing. It is better to go jogging early in the morning, it is good for the body, especially for burning subcutaneous fat, that is, losing weight...

Difficult exercises.

Let's look at 5 popular types of exercises for the lower extremities:

  1. These include squats. The more complex the exercise, the more effective it is; after doing squats for a couple of weeks, you will feel that your muscles are already toned. It is better to start this exercise with 20-30 squats a day for 2-3 sets, gradually adding the number of squats. After squats, the next day you will feel pain in your joints. This happens to people who are sedentary or have never exercised. This phenomenon is called soreness, which means that toxins are released from the muscles, and you are generally moving in the right direction. During the exercise, the back should be straight, the thighs should be parallel to the floor and the feet should not be separated from the floor. After reaching the maximum number of squats of 50 times, you can begin to do this exercise with additional weight, for example, dumbbells.
  2. The second exercise is with a skipping rope. Jumping rope will allow you to train not only your legs, but also your butt. There is no need to count jumps; you can jump in time, starting from 5-10 minutes, and accordingly, increase the time gradually, five minutes at a time. There are many types of exercises with a jump rope, you can jump on one leg, crosswise, jump through two or three swings of the rope and others.
  3. Complex exercise "pistols". It consists of the following: one leg is stretched out in front of you, and a squat is performed on the second. This activity is not for beginners, but if you want to pump up your thighs faster, then you should try it several times every day. And if you succeed, then in a month your legs will be irresistible, like those of models.

  4. Exercise – lunges. Standing straight, bend your leg at the knee, bring it to your chest and take a step forward. The main thing when lunging is that the foot is in front of the knee; if it’s the other way around, you can dislocate the foot. The exercise is performed 5-10 times.
  5. Another cool tool is plie in motion. It makes it possible to use all the muscles of the legs and pump them up effectively. It’s done like this: place your hands on your hips, turn your knees and feet away from you, and in this position squat to the maximum. Keep your spine straight, perform no more than 10-15 times for 3 sets.

If you decide to start training and build beautiful legs, then you need to reconsider your diet and nutrition. It is necessary to eat 3 times a day, less fatty foods, protein in the form of boiled meat, and be sure to consume dairy products. Perform any workouts no earlier than 2 hours after eating. After classes, you can eat 1-1.5 hours later. Once you start exercising and regularly perform all the exercises we have discussed, within a month you will feel how men will begin to notice your legs, and you will no longer need to hide them under jeans or trousers.

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