Top 5 exercises for autumn

Autumn is a great time to start taking care of your figure, because we face a long period of cold weather and the desire to hide in cozy sweaters and warm jackets. American fitness trainer Nikki Glor has created five basic exercises that will help correct the flaws in your figure and prepare it for winter.

  1. For a strapless top

This exercise will help you tone your back, arms and chest, focusing on your back, neckline and shoulders. To perform the exercise, stand straight, holding dumbbells at hip level. Raise the dumbbells at chest level, elbows bent, neck relaxed, shoulders down. Then do the same exercise with your arms outstretched in different directions. Repeat the exercise 20 times.

  1. For midi skirt

This exercise will help you stretch your body like a string and get ready to wear midi skirts. Hold a dumbbell with both hands behind your head, elbows near your face. Slowly raise your arms toward the ceiling, standing on your tiptoes. Repeat the exercise 20 times.

  1. For a pencil skirt

This exercise will help you look perfect in pencil skirts. Clench your hands into fists at your chin and perform a front kick with your left leg leading with your knee. Keep your right leg slightly bent. As you lower your left leg, do a low squat on your right leg, leaning slightly with your left hand for balance. Repeat the exercise 20 times on each leg.

  1. For short jackets

This exercise will help you strengthen your abdominal and thigh muscles and look amazing in short jackets. Lie on your back and keep your legs straight. Then lift your legs slightly off the floor to form a “V.” Rotate them together, crossing your right leg and left. Repeat the exercise 20 times, several times a day.

  1. For leather jackets and trousers

This exercise will help you strengthen the muscles of your legs and buttocks and prepare you for wearing leather jackets and trousers. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, ankles at knee level. Do light jumps, bring your legs together and spread them with your arms in different directions, squatting a little, as if you were sitting on a chair. Repeat the exercise 20 times.

So here are five essential exercises that will help you get ready for the fall season and look amazing in any outfit. Remember that regular exercise and taking care of your figure is not only a way to look better, but also a way to improve your health and well-being. Don't forget also about proper nutrition and enough sleep - all this is important in order to be healthy and beautiful.