Cristiano Ronaldo Fitness Workout Plan.

Now we will tell you how one of the most famous and mega-popular athletes in the world, Cristiano Ronaldo, trains...

The famous football player will also share the secrets of his nutrition and recovery, and also answer the annoying questions of our regular readers. It will be interesting! So we begin...

As the master of world football himself says: “I don’t like all kinds of barbells and exercise machines. I am a devotee of WorkOut work on myself. I adore the crossbar and parallel bars, a regular mat for pumping up my abs - and I don’t really need anything else”...

However, the football player’s training plan contains the following interesting entries: we further quote Cristiano Ronaldo’s fitness training plan:

  1. A) pull-ups with additional load,
  2. B) dips on parallel bars with a backpack,
  3. C) bench press with dumbbells on a fitball,
  4. D) deadlift on straight legs,
  5. D) alternating lunges in all directions with dumbbells,
  6. E) chest raises from a standing position,
  7. G) military bench press of barbells or dumbbells,
  8. H) cyclic calf raises,
  9. I) alternate lifting of the weight with one hand with rotations.

As we see, the great football player lives not only through Workout. In his fitness training plan, he, like us, also uses a lot of sports equipment and additional equipment...

Our regular reader from Yaroslavl, Anatoly, asks: “Tell us about the features of your training?”

“I do about 6 sets of 7 reps for each exercise, then just a minute of rest between sets, and then back into the fight. My goal is to develop powerful strength endurance, so the training program is shifted more towards drying. I dry out all the time, I have no need to increase volumes, I need to be as fast as lightning. That is why after each workout I add half an hour of work on the treadmill, and in the “uphill running” mode. And also sharp, abrupt changes in the angle of inclination of the canvas, and cyclic increases in speed every 5 minutes. In general, I’m exhausted, just like on the football field, to be in shape”...

Another question from our reader: “Well, how do you recover and rest?”

“I devote no less time to this process than to training and nutrition. My schedule includes a swimming pool, a steam room, massage treatments, and even special manual therapy and acupuncture. I also pay great attention to sleep and passive rest”...

“Cristiano, how do you prefer to relax?”

“I love being outdoors. Where there is clean air, and I can relax not only my body, but also my soul”...

Our regular reader from Krasnoyarsk, Anastasia, is interested in: “Is it true that Cristiano Ronaldo likes to play online poker in his free time?”

"Yes it is! I've been very addicted to this game lately. Such excitement and adrenaline! Just like on a football field. By the way, continuing the topic of recovery after physical activity, I think this is an excellent option to relax after hard work in the gym or fitness center. I like cards, so if you suddenly see my photo or nickname at the next place at the poker table, don’t be surprised! It's really me!

Such a versatile person he is, a famous football player, showman and poker player - Cristiano Ronaldo. Stay tuned, we will tell you about other great celebrities involved in fitness and bodybuilding.

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