Balanced diet for a week

Our editorial office often receives emails from our regular readers asking them to tell us how to properly form their diet. I think: no one needs to explain how important nutrition is in the life of a bodybuilder. We all know about the three pillars of “iron sports”. This:

  1. training,
  2. recovery,
  3. nutrition.

So, the question is: which of these three is the main whale? Many famous athletes put nutrition in the first position, pushing the training process and recovery moments into the background, and this is no coincidence! Now let's explain why...

You can train hard without leaving your favorite fitness center or gym for hours. You can properly recover by visiting bathhouses, saunas, paid massages, and even use advanced recovery technologies: for example, acupuncture and acupuncture... But you won’t see impressive volumes like your ears if you don’t eat wisely. After all, nutrition is the building material for our muscles. If there is not enough of these building materials, and the body feels their deficiency, then, alas, no “strong house” will be built! Keep this in mind!

So how can you approach this issue thoughtfully, you ask? How to fill your diet with everything you need? How to organize a balanced meal for a week? - the answer is simple: we need a plan! What about without a plan? And don’t let this bother you. Are you making a training plan for the week? - You are making it up. And the plan for each specific workout too. Let it not be on paper! Let it be only in your head. But it's still a plan. You clearly know: what exercises you will do, how you will combine them, their sequence, how many approaches, how many repetitions. When you come to the hall, you already have answers to all these questions in your head...

With all authority, we strongly recommend that you draw up a weekly plan for your nutrition, and approach this issue with all responsibility. An athlete's diet must be balanced, varied, measured and verified.

Supplement classic meals with regular use of sports nutrition products. Not a single bodybuilder can do without this now. Moreover, this will save you time on preparing a full meal.

In the next article in this section we will develop the topic further. Don't switch...

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