Fitness school and free educational program from its creator Alexander Dubkov

Dear readers, today we have a surprise for you. We would like to bring to your attention a unique free course from our colleague and partner - professional athlete, founder of the authoritative organization “The First School of Fitness and Bodybuilding”, theorist and practitioner, who has been actively involved in coaching for many years, Alexander Dubkov. It is for you, our lovely representatives of the fair sex, that, as a result of many years of painstaking work, he developed his own training system with the eloquent name: “Slimness Formula”.

What it is? – in fact, this is a whole collection of competent, comprehensive answers to the most common questions asked by women in the gym.

In fact, everything is here. The school of fitness and bodybuilding covers all aspects of the training process, the nuances of physical exercise, issues of proper nutrition and recovery. It discusses the issues of body correction and getting rid of extra pounds and fat folds, as well as other interesting things.

Consider, for example, the section “a collection of typical fitness misconceptions,” in which Alexander refutes established incorrect stereotypes and provides real evidence of this.

Here, for example, are a number of them that we also encountered:

“It’s absolutely forbidden to eat after six.”

In fact, this is complete nonsense and delusion. If you deprive our body of the building materials and energy resources it needs, by such actions you will not only lose weight, but even risk gaining excess weight. Because the body, feeling a periodic lack of the components it needs, subsequently, when it finally receives them, begins to accumulate them for future use in the form of deposits on your sides. It turns out not to eat after six - this is not a solution to the problem, but perhaps makes it even worse. How to be? – you ask... You will find out the answer by reading our website...

Another traditional classic misconception of many women, which we hear from almost every second representative of the fair sex surveyed. It is because of this misconception that many girls train completely ineffectively, at half strength. Or, if they do train, they only pay significant attention to their lower half - they train their legs and buttocks, completely depriving the upper half of their body of any physical activity. Of course this is ridiculous and devoid of any common sense. The thing is that you simply cannot become Schwarzenegger, even with all your desire. Your body and its hormonal background simply will not allow you to do this. Look at how many puny, frail guys diligently lift weights in the gym in the hope of gaining at least a little muscle mass, and everything is in vain. They seem to lift a lot and actually live in the gym, but the results are astonishing. So they are guys, and their level of testosterone in their bodies is hundreds, even thousands of times higher than that of any girl, but they still can’t become Schwarzenegger. Do you really think that over the years they have nothing to do with it, but all of a sudden your muscles will grow and bulge out on all sides, like a first-class bodybuilding champion? Of course, all this is from the realm of fantasy. You will learn more about this at the seminar or by enrolling in the school of our eminent colleague.

Consideration of all the issues raised by our colleague in this course is beyond the scope of this article. Let's just say what our authoritative trainer will tell you:

  1. about the five dogmas of proper nutrition;
  2. about how age and gender can help you lose weight;
  3. what goals you need to set for yourself to lose quality weight;
  4. why you need to drink, and most importantly: what and how much;
  5. what is the difference between gyms for girls and gyms for guys?
  6. how to choose a team and with whom to train;
  7. what type of training is best to choose;
  8. why a woman's fist is so important in a balanced diet.
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