Antibacterial cleaning: top 7 tips

To ensure that every thing that makes life comfortable serves you for as long as possible, read the simple recommendations for caring for them. These tips are especially useful on the eve of the holidays.

  1. A PILLOW is a real reservoir of house dust and an abode of mites and bacteria. In addition, there are a number of other reasons why it is necessary to regularly clean your pillow: during sleep, the body gets rid of dead skin, more precisely, dandruff, secretes sweat, which causes the feathers to smell like diaper rash, down feathers and dedemoxes accumulate, which cause swelling eyes and allergies. Cleaning pillows at home: load only one pillow into the machine (each must be washed separately), add 10-15 g of powder, duration of the mode is no more than 30 minutes at a temperature of 60 degrees. Wash once every two months, change pillowcases every week.

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