Workout for the endomorph.

Along with two more classic body types, the endomorph also has its own characteristics in nutrition, rest, recovery and muscle growth. But first of all, to achieve the desired result in fitness, bodybuilding, or powerlifting, you need to know what the correct training should be for an endomorph, and this is exactly what this article will tell you about...

Workout for the endomorph.

The construction of a training plan, as well as a diet, should be based on the fact that this body type is characterized by a considerable tendency to gain fat. Therefore, if you are a representative of this type and decide to seriously engage in fitness or bodybuilding, you need to be very scrupulous in choosing nutrition, trying to provide the body with less fat and fast carbohydrates.

If the choice falls on powerlifting, there will be fewer problems, because muscle definition plays a secondary role in this sport, and an athlete, in principle, can easily afford to be “fat” - the main thing is that he achieves excellent performance in the three qualifying exercises, but no one looks at his appearance...

Bodybuilding is a different matter, everything here is much more complicated... Many athletes involved in bodybuilding work with heavy weights for a low number of repetitions, and not vice versa, as required by this type of physique, often without even bringing the duration of their training to more than an hour, which is a big misconception . To achieve normal results, athletes need to train for at least 2 hours, using medium weights, with high intensity, taking short rests between sets, approximately 1-2 minutes. This principle will help the athlete increase the level of metabolism, and his muscles will “burn”, which together will make it possible to achieve relief and volume.

Workout for the endomorph.

The number of classes per week for an endomorph should range from 4-5, well, this, of course, is for experienced athletes with serious experience. Beginners are advised to reduce this number by about half...

A special word should be said about the use of aerobic exercise, the number of which, unlike the ectomorph training system, should be increased and carried out at least three per week. The simple rule here is this: unlike an ectomorph, who must constantly be in the phase of gaining muscle mass (because this is a weak point for him), the type we are considering should, on the contrary, always be in the drying phase (because excess fat is an Achilles heel for him). Well, the mesomorph, as the most balanced and harmonious body type, is the golden mean - he has no bias: neither for weight nor for drying, he alternates them in the usual uniform rhythm...

As already noted above, proper nutrition, as well as training itself for an endomorph, should be interconnected concepts. Therefore, you should eat at least 6 times a day, increasing your protein intake, using high-quality sports nutrition preparations and vitamin-mineral complexes. Pay special attention to fat burners, if you constantly have excess subcutaneous fat, they are everything for you!

With the right, comprehensively thought-out approach to training, nutrition, rest and recovery, you can achieve impressive results, which is what we, dear reader, wish for you!