How to avoid colds in spring

When you especially don’t want to get sick, it’s in the spring! However, it is during the off-season that the human body is more susceptible to all kinds of viruses. Changeable weather and weakened immunity are the main factors that lead to colds. Read our material on what to do to avoid getting sick in the long-awaited spring.

The fight against spring colds must be waged on two fronts. First, strengthen your immune system. Secondly, fight vitamin deficiency. There are many tools that will help you with this.

For immunity

If you are often sick, experience chronic fatigue and suffer from headaches, then these are sure signs of a weakened immune system. You can start taking immunomodulators, but in this case you cannot do without consulting a doctor. However, there are many ways to do this without the help of chemicals.

Drink more fluids

The liquid washes away viruses and bacteria from the mucous membrane. In addition, waste products of viruses and bacteria are removed from the body with liquid.

Drink juices

A course of spring juice therapy will have a beneficial effect on the immune system: for three weeks, drink any freshly squeezed red juices (beet juice, carrot juice, cherry, blackberry, strawberry, grape, pomegranate, cranberry). In the first week, take half a glass of juice 3 times a day, in the second - 2 times a day, in the third - 1 time between meals. After 10 days the course can be repeated.

Eat immune-boosting foods

These include nuts and dried fruits; kefir, yogurt; honey; legumes; onion and garlic; sauerkraut; ginger. Rosehip tea, ginger drink, frozen berry fruit drink, infusion of St. John's wort, thyme, currant and birch leaves have positive properties for increasing immunity in spring.

Master self-massage

Such procedures, performed regularly and correctly, give good results. By influencing the biologically active points of the hands and feet, you activate the body's defenses. Buy a massage mat for the bathroom. Practice for just a few minutes while brushing your teeth.

Get enough sleep

Regular lack of sleep affects the body's immune system in the same way as physical stress. The immune system goes into overdrive, producing an excess of white blood cells. This hyperactivity is a consequence of frequent sleepless nights.

Visit a bathhouse or sauna

People who regularly visit the sauna are less likely to suffer from headaches, rhinitis and pharyngitis, and they are practically not bothered by a runny nose. This is quite natural, because nothing trains the body better than alternating high and low temperatures. Due to a sharp change in temperature, intense stimulation of the nervous and cardiovascular systems occurs. And the use of special essential oils in the sauna helps saturate the body with useful substances.

We treat vitamin deficiency

Proper nutrition is the best way to provide the body with vitamins. Finding vitamins in natural products in spring is quite difficult, but still possible. First of all, pay attention to sprouted wheat grain. Eat it 3 tbsp. in a day. Read how to properly germinate grain here.

Use spices. Any spices are a source of vitamins: add a pinch of them to food three times a day. Moreover, it is better to add spices to the finished dish - during heat treatment, the beneficial properties decrease. Turmeric is ideal for breakfast, as it also has a choleretic effect, for lunch - ginger or cardamom, they improve brain activity, for dinner - mint and lemon balm, they soothe. In addition, spices provoke the production of endorphin - the hormone of good mood!

You can prepare a mixture of dried apricots, cranberries, walnuts, lemon, and raisins. The above products must be crushed and mixed in equal parts. Then fold this m