Planning weightlifting training for junior athletes

Let us dwell on planning training for junior weightlifters. As an example, let’s plan a workout for the 2nd training cycle, where 1250 lifts are planned in the preparatory month (4th month) and 900 in the competition month (5th month). An athlete in the 75 kg weight category has the following results: 90 kg in the snatch and 115 kg in the clean and jerk. Planned results by the end of the 4th month: in the snatch - 92 kg and in the clean and jerk - 117 kg; by the end of the 5th month - 94 and 119 kg, respectively.

Distributing the monthly workload over weekly cycles is not difficult. According to the selected option (see Tables of previous articles), calculate how many lifts should be performed in each of the four weeks.

Strategic planning of weightlifting training for junior athletes is necessarily complemented by a well-developed nutrition program. Your trainer will help you create the optimal menu for your diet. Don’t forget to also drink proteins, creatines and gainers - all these sports nutrition products will help you get into the desired shape and strengthen your strength. Be sure to also consume the full range of vitamins and minerals. Well, and, of course, do not forget about quality rest and sleep, because full recovery is the springboard for your next step forward. Never forget this.

Since the athlete begins training in the 2nd training cycle after the competition, it will be convenient for him to distribute the load in such a way that the volume is small in the first week of the month. Let's take the 2nd option (20, 35, 27 and 18%). At the end of the preparatory month, the load is light, so in the competition month you can use any option. If we take, for example, option 1 (36, 28, 24 and 12%), then the load will be distributed like this. In the preparatory month: 1st week - 250 lifts, 2nd - 437, 3rd - 338 and 4th - 225; in the competitive one - 324, 252, 216 and 108 lifts, respectively.

In the next article we will continue to study the nuances of weightlifting training for junior athletes and will dwell in more detail on the issues of load intensity planning... It will be interesting.

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