How to pump up your upper abs at home?

Sometimes an active person, who is generally happy with his figure and is not overweight, considers a certain area of ​​his body problematic.

How to pump up your upper abs at home?

Often, the stomach is such a place. Nowadays, sculpted abs are considered fashionable, but it is not at all necessary to go to a fitness club to get them: knowing how to pump up your upper abs at home, you can do them in a comfortable environment that suits you and at a convenient time.

Twisting. The best exercise to pump up your abs. Lying on the floor (spread a mat for comfort), rest your feet on the floor with your bent legs. To enhance the effect, you can lie down near the sofa and place your legs bent on it so that the joints (knee and hip) form 90-degree angles. Place your hands behind your head so that your fingertips barely touch. Without pulling your elbows to your ears, without trying to “pull” yourself by your head, lift your head, then your body, but only your shoulder blades. Keep your lower back, without lifting, on the floor. Pause at the top of the lift for a moment and lower back, slowly, with control.

Twisting with rotation.

Rotation crunches start from the same starting position and are done in a similar manner, but as you rise up, you need to rotate your body so that your left elbow tends to touch your right knee, and vice versa. Alternate sides. Make sure that only the top of your back rises from the floor. If you feel the muscles of your upper abs “burning” and hurting, it means that the technique is correct and you are doing everything correctly. This is an excellent option to include in your homework, in addition to the abdominal muscles, also the oblique muscles of the torso; their hypertrophy will also be useful to us...

V-shaped crunches. You are again on the floor, stretch your arms straight behind your head, and lift your straightened legs above the floor. The exercise will be even more effective, allowing you not only to pump up your upper abs, but also to actively work out your lower ones, if you take the trouble to keep your feet as close to the floor as possible, but without touching it with your heels. From the initial position, lift your body and straight legs brought together up at the same time, “folding” in half. Try not to round your spine.

For a beginning athlete working on himself at home, it will be enough to do three sets of 18-25 repetitions for each exercise. Gradually add 3-5 repetitions, reaching up to 50 reps per set. When you feel strong enough, pick up a dumbbell or, if you don’t have one at home, a plastic bottle filled with water. Additional weights make the exercise more challenging and, therefore, more effective.

The importance of nutrition and aerobic exercise.

How to pump up your upper abs at home?

In addition to these exercises, which will allow you to pump up your upper abs at home, adjusting your diet will help you achieve beautiful abs. If your belly does not become more prominent during active exercise, try adding more protein to your diet, and remove excess sweets and baked goods from it, and replace sugar-containing sodas with water or green tea. This will greatly speed up your progress.

And lastly, but in terms of building six packs, the most important thing: this is a constantly received aerobic exercise! After all, only she can remove all the excess subcutaneous fat from your abdomen. After all, it is often fat that prevents the cubes from appearing outward, which means you will have to fight mercilessly with it. Running, swimming, cycling, cardio equipment, jump rope, dancing, punching bag, all this will help you. You should actively breathe, move vigorously and sweat heavily for at least 10-15 minutes, since it is by working in conditions of increased intensity that the body starts burning subcutaneous fat reserves.

Well, for those who have decided to approach this issue completely radically, we recommend a fat burner sports nutrition product. It will speed up your metabolism and help you clean out everything unnecessary much faster and more efficiently.

By observing all of the above, your stomach will soon look like a washboard, which is what we wish for you on behalf of our entire editorial team!