Exercises for losing weight on thighs.

“Please advise effective exercises for losing weight on thighs,” our reader Nadezhda writes to us in her email. Well, Nadezhda, the question has been voiced, we are passing your question to our authoritative author, and also multiple Champion in fitness and bodybuilding, Honored Trainer of Russia Evgeniy Zhuchik. Over to you, Evgeny...

Well, first of all, I want to draw your attention to the fact that I am a little alarmed by the wording of the question, and in particular by the word: “lyashek”. It would be more correct to say: “hips” or “legs”...

Well, since you are asking specifically about “frogs,” therefore, I assume that you mean full, fat-covered legs. At least, that's how I interpret the word. This means that we will talk specifically about how to bring fatty legs back to normal... It is clear that the degree of their neglect varies...

So, dear women, if you want to improve the appearance of your lower half of the body, you need to pay attention to the following aspects of this matter, let's call them fronts:

  1. Willpower and psychological preparation,
  2. Aerobic effect,
  3. Force impact,
  4. Lifestyle and bad habits,
  5. Diet and balanced nutrition.

Let's look at all these points in order in more detail:

  1. Strength of will.
  2. Aerobic impact.
  3. Force impact.
  4. Basic exercises for the thigh muscles:
  5. Isolation exercises for the thigh muscles:
  6. Auxiliary exercises for the thigh muscles:
  7. Daily routine and lifestyle.
  8. Nutrition for weight loss.
  9. Table of contents:

Strength of will.

If it has already reached the point that you yourself call your hips “frogs,” it means that they are in a very neglected state. And this state did not come, alas, in a day, or in two. For years you have been eating away and neglecting your body, and now you have finally decided to come to your senses... Be prepared: a week or a month of hard training and working according to the plan outlined here is unlikely to radically change the situation! You need to be prepared to work on yourself for a long time! And work in several directions at once! You will need to reconsider your lifestyle, change your habits, deny yourself some pleasures, experience muscle pain and fatigue,... Only by loving it all, you can achieve a truly amazing result and transform your thighs into slender, beautiful and sexy legs...

So, be patient and gather all your will into a fist - we will need it...

Aerobic impact.

Your most common mistake is already in the formulation of the question. This mistake is that you initially think that with exercises for the hips you can remove excess subcutaneous fat and, accordingly, improve their physical condition. This, of course, also has some truth, but not entirely true... Because you can do squats, lunges and all kinds of deadlifts for an infinitely long time, but your hips will remain hips. And why? – yes, because you do not use aerobic influence in your training! What is aerobic impact? And what does it give us?

Aerobic training is a type of intense physical activity in which a person has to breathe heavily (aero - air). When we move quickly, we breathe heavily. Our pulse quickens, blood pressure and body temperature rise, all processes in the body accelerate, and the much-needed process of burning internal subcutaneous fat starts! And this is exactly what we need! Moreover, scientists have long proven that this process continues to occur for about 2 hours even after the end of physical activity! What conclusion can be drawn from this? – If we want to lose weight and radically fight subcutaneous fat, we need to get aerobic exercise as often as possible. How to get them?

  1. Running or fast walking
  2. Biking,
  3. In winter - skis and skates,
  4. Swimming in the pool
  5. Jumping rope,
  6. Dynamic dances,
  7. Aerobics and water aerobics,
  8. Use of cardio equipment.

Force impact.

So, now that we regularly start the process of burning subcutaneous fat in our body, it’s time to hit our thighs from another front. We use accentuated force on the problem area. Part of the fat will be burned from aerobic action, and the second part will be destroyed by the exercises we consider below for losing weight on thighs. Or rather, they will not destroy it - but transform it from adipose tissue into muscle tissue. So, here are the exercises we need most:

Basic exercises for the thigh muscles:


Without regularly performing this exercise, you will not see beautiful and slender legs like your ears. This is truly the most effective exercise that affects the entire leg muscles as a whole. Read about how to do it correctly in this article - it provides comprehensive information on squats. And here we just recall its alternative variations:

  1. Hack squats,
  2. Squat in the saddle,
  3. Sisi-squats.

The exercise is performed with a barbell or dumbbells as a load. It is also permissible to work in specialized simulators:

  1. in Smith's car.
  2. in the Gak-machine.
  3. in a leg press machine.

If the emphasis of the previous exercise was on the quadriceps femoris muscle, located in front of the leg, then in the deadlift, especially carried out on straight legs, the emphasis falls on the biceps flexor muscle, which is located on the back of the thigh. An excellent exercise that works great on the target area. Mainly pumps up the leg biceps. The buttocks and back muscles are also involved in the work, which makes it even more attractive.

Since the biceps femoris is an antagonist muscle for the quadriceps, this exercise must be included in your plan for working on thighs. Antagonist muscles, working in pairs, help each other develop more effectively and destroy subcutaneous fat.

Just like with squats, when performing deadlifts, you do not need to use very heavy weights. Our task is to desperately burn subcutaneous fat, so the number of repetitions in a set should be large: 15-20 reps. Plan to do 4-5 sets. This mode is the most effective when working to lose weight.

Isolation exercises for the thigh muscles:

Now that we have already looked at the basic exercises for our thighs, it’s time to deal another crushing blow to the subcutaneous fat of our thighs - an isolating effect on the target area:

Leg extensions in the machine.

An excellent exercise that focuses specifically on the front of the thigh is leg extensions in the machine. The whole effect is that the muscle group we need works in isolation, and other muscles cannot help it in any way. This makes the effect even greater.

Bend legs in the machine.

Just like the previous exercise isolatedly affects the quadriceps of the leg, bending the legs in the machine concentrates the biceps. A very effective exercise for working out the relief of your legs.

Lie down on the machine bench. Rest your ankles against the soft cushion, having previously adjusted its position to suit your anatomical data. Overcoming resistance, along with exhalation, bend your legs, trying to reach the roller to your butt. Then, with an inhalation, smoothly straighten them to their original position.

Auxiliary exercises for the thigh muscles:

The exercises described above are what must be done without fail to train our thighs. However, there are also auxiliary, additional exercises that will allow us to polish our legs along with other muscle groups, making our body more harmonious and correctly built. What kind of exercises are these?

Information, leg spreads.

An excellent exercise on the simulator that all women love is the abduction and extension of the legs in the machine. By the way, dear ladies, if you want to attract attention in the gym, we recommend that you sit down at this particular machine, and you will definitely be guaranteed “subtly” male glances! Especially if you are wearing sports leggings or erotic shorts...

Everything is simple here: sit comfortably on the machine bench. Secure the legs in special holders. And then, overcoming resistance, bring and spread your legs - sometimes together, sometimes apart. An excellent exercise that works those muscle groups that squats and deadlifts cannot reach.


Another important exercise for us is lunges. Read a comprehensive article about them here. We will just remind you that the exercise mainly affects the butt muscles, and it affects the legs indirectly. However, you don’t want to have cute, toned legs and a completely neglected butt? It is for this reason that you can add lunges with a barbell or dumbbells to your training plan. Let your butt look as seductive as your chiseled legs...

Daily routine and lifestyle.

Now that we have looked at strength exercises for losing weight on thighs, it’s time to discuss another aspect of our changes - this is your daily routine, lifestyle and your diet, which you will agree is also important when working on your appearance...

You need to train at the indicated rhythm 2-3 times a week - no more. So as not to run into overtraining. Because over-pumping is also bad! Strong soreness can knock you out of your training rut for a long time. Moreover, you will not be able to perform your daily work normally.

Here you need to find a golden mean. And under-pumping is bad and over-pumping is also bad. Therefore, clearly normalize the load. The muscles should be sore after training, but within a couple of days they should go away and fully recover. If this does not happen, it means you have overtrained. You should refrain from training for a couple more days until complete recovery.

It’s good to have a full rest after training; sleep should take you at least eight hours a day. This will allow you to recover well and be ready for new workouts.

Also pay special attention to your diet...

Nutrition for weight loss.

To get rid of frogs, we exclude from our menu everything fatty, floury, sweet and salty. We don’t spend hours on cardio equipment burning fat so that you can then come home and be full of that fat again. As A.V. said Suvorov, the famous Russian commander: “An excellent way to defeat the enemy is to cut off his supply.” It’s the same in our war with subcutaneous fat - cut off the intake of everything that can give fat another chance to win!

Your diet should be based on proteins and carbohydrates. We need proteins as building blocks for our muscle tissue in the process of converting fat into muscle. Carbohydrates give us a lot of energy. However, we need to spend it wisely. Where to put this energy? – we should spend it all on aerobic training. Then there will be a good result. Because if this energy is not spent, it will again settle in folds on our problem areas.

Here are some more useful nutrition tips:
  1. Eliminate salt and sugar from your diet - the most harmful elements on our table.
  2. Do not eat any cakes, pastries, marmalade, chocolate and other harmful chemicals.
  3. Don’t drink sweet soda and chemical juices; it’s better to sip clean water - it’s healthier.
  4. In general, do not eat after 18:00.
  5. Minimize your serving doses.
  6. Eat from a small plate.
  7. Add to your diet something that helps and improves fat burning: green tea, ginger, pineapple or natural pineapple juice and others...
Harmless sports nutrition supplements.

Well, for those who have decided to take themselves seriously, we recommend adding sports nutrition products to your diet. These are not anabolic steroids, as many people think, and not hormonal drugs - so they will definitely not harm your health!

We recommend using the supplement: fat burner - read more about it here. It will not allow new fat to accumulate in your body and will tirelessly destroy the existing one until it is completely cut out. An excellent way to polish your hips to perfection, or to move the situation forward if all else fails. We recommend!

The second effective drug is protein. It will help your body build muscle while minimizing subcutaneous fat, which is also very necessary for us. After all, having destroyed fat without muscle growth, our skin will simply sag, without adding aesthetic beauty at all.

We wish you with all our hearts that your legs will be slender, trained, elastic, chiseled and sexy!

Moreover, now you have all the knowledge to make them so! What are you waiting for? – run to the gym or fitness center! Thank you for your attention!

Table of contents:

  1. Introduction.
  2. Action plan.
  3. Psychological mood.
  4. Aerobic training.
  5. Power training.
    1. Squats.
    2. Deadlift.
    3. Leg extensions in the machine.
    4. Bend legs in the machine.
    5. Information, leg spreads.
    6. Lunges.
  1. Daily routine and lifestyle.
  2. Nutrition for weight loss.
    1. Sports nutrition.
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